
Monday, February 28, 2011

An Encounter With the Bolshoi Ballet (Part One)

As many who have read my articles may derive am a great opera fan though in all sincerity I can not claim to be an equal specialist of the ballet, any way this should not be interpreted that I do not take joy from it. Possibly it is because my tastes lean more to the passion of the singers and the drama in the opera rather then the grace of the ballet dancer. What ever the conjecture I must claim to be a bigger opera fan then ballet fan but in all truth I am a lover of the ballet any way I did not come to be one till I in Santiago, Chile met the members of the Bolshoi ballet. This was a time I will never forget as it made me see all the grace of the ballet any way before this encounter with the Bolshoi I had seen them achieve in Moscow and Possibly it is there that I was introduced to the ballet.

My decision to visit the Soviet Union came during the fall of 1988. It was the time of perestroika, glasnosts and Michael Gorbachov, the new leader of the Soviet Union who many Americans had taken a liking to as they could see a distinct honesty in him. I for my part can not claim that my desires to visit the Soviet Union were influenced in any way by Gorbachov as the real conjecture for my trip was based on my wanting to tour the world, in quest of all those cities and places I had read about in my total readings of history. Of policy this was also at a time in my life when I was challenging dreams of becoming a professional photographer and had it in mind to take photographs of Leningrad (previously called Petrograd, presently Saint Petersburg) and Moscow. These cities seemed ideal for this purpose, both having architecture that was so diverse from New York and the feeling of history would be enormous. After all these were two cities that had been practically in the center of World War Ii and the Russian revolutions of 1917. The first of which overthrew Nicholas Ii while the second in October (though the Russian Orthodox calendar marks this day as having been in November) put the Bolsheviks in power.

News From Armenia

I had even wanted to visit the Soviet Union before but the matter had not been so uncomplicated as I would have wanted it. First off all because the Soviet Union was a done community I needed a visa; not that this was an inconvenience as I had already visited many other communist countries such as Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Ddr, and Yugoslavia. These countries also requiring me as an American to have a visa. I can even add how there was a time in 1987 in which I as an American was required to have a visa in to order to enter France as opposed to being given one automatically upon entrance as was the case with most European countries. The Soviet Union any way was different, even from other communist countries which only required me to go to their embassy or consulate, plainly with my passport, two photographs and the money to pay for the visa. The Soviet Union not only required me to have the already mentioned but a prepaid hotel where I would be staying, which basically meant that I would either have to withhold a hotel in the cities I wanted to go to before departing New York or go on what is generally referred to as a "guided tour". I not so much by my own selection took the second selection of going on the guided tour even if in all truth I would have favorite to go alone.

It was with the intension of spending Christmas and New Year's day in the Soviet Union that I in early November booked myself on a tour that would include Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad, in that order. It was while visiting these cities in the Soviet Union that I observed many things, some of which were even strange or at least in my view for a communist country (me having already visited several) for instance, in the Soviet Union there were market which only approved hard currency (this meaning any currency which could be converted face its country of origin) and were off limits to Soviet citizens. Yes, passports were checked upon entrance in to the stores. It was not that market like this did not exist in Poland or other communist countries I had visited but contrary to the Soviet Union in those countries anybody could buy what they wished so long as they had the right kind of currency, in the Soviet Union it was a case of Soviets not even being allowed to enter the stores, let alone make purchases of any kind. plainly just as there were market in which only foreigners such as myself could enter, there were also market in which foreigners were banned from as only Soviets could enter and again passports or documents were checked. I even recall how on one occasion, somebody I met asked me to buy him something in the store for foreigners only.

The Soviet Union also had other factors which made it distinct from any of the Communist countries I had already visited for instance again only guests of hotels were allowed to enter as a control was set up at the entrance where one was obliged to show one's card from the hotel. This any way did not gift so much of a problem for me nor for many Soviets (I refer to them as such as I can not in all honesty claim to have known who was Russian or from one of the many republics that made up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) who managed to get in to the hotel in spite of not being a guest of the hotel. Where the card required to enter the hotel was not a problem the fact that I was required to pay all things in hard currency was any way more then slightly annoying as this made prices higher then they would have been had I been allowed to buy drinks or other such niceties in Rubbles, which I could get a lot more of on the black market. This any way was not to be as hotels wanted hard currency not only for the cost of the room but even for what one purchased in them, this being in variation to Polish hotels were one was only required to pay for the room in hard currency.

It was in Moscow that I stayed in a hotel called "Cosmos" which I might add was the most exclusive at the time, though in all truth its standards were lower then those which I had known in the west. I arrived at the hotel on the 24th of December and on my second day of being in Moscow after having spent the first two sightseeing; I had what could be called my first perceive in the Soviet Union.

Two young men who must have been about my age at time (me being 21) knocked on the hotel room which I was sharing with one of the members of my tour group. It was in the firm of someone else member of my tour that these two young men came asking if my roommate and I cared to barter trade. At first neither my roommate nor I knew what these two men had in mind and being in a country we knew not to be democracy; my American roommate, whose name completely escapes me and I were slightly apprehensive. It was one of these two young men who asked us if we had any blue jeans or anything we cared to trade such as American cigarettes or basically anything. I for my part felt I had nothing that would be worth their while as all I had was my cameras (which I was not ready to trade for anything), a consolidate of packs of cigarettes (me being a smoker at the time), the clothes I had brought with me (which included a pair of grey blue jeans that frankly speaking I was even slightly ashamed to even show given the health they were in) and my cassettes which included some pop music.

It did not take long with these two men and all those from my tour group who had come over to pick up a bargain; for the room I was sharing with a history educator from Phoenix to come to be an national or international black market. Blue jeans were being exchanged for Russian fur hats, caviar (this being a French word as the Russian word is "ikra") and other Russian goodies. It was inspired by the way these two Russians or so I think they were apparently willing to take just about any and all things we had that I decided to show them the old grey jeans I had bought over a year ago in London. Much to my near shock they approved to take them for a black fur hat though given they were old they did ask me to throw in something extra which I did in the form of a pack of Marlboro which they approved but any way my having guilty feelings over the old jeans compelled me to add a tape by the British band known as "Led Zeppelin".

During these transactions; I noticed how habitancy from two distinct countries and ways of life could trade and do firm and though the English spoken by these two gentlemen was not exactly exquisite it was understandable, development me think how even in a communist principles it was always potential to find entrepreneurs. I even recall how one of the members of my group wanted to get something in change for a Jimmy Hendrix tape only to find out that neither of these two men (who had brought so much stuff with them as to make one believe they had a whole store with them) had the slightest idea who he was. plainly we explained that Jimmy Hendrix had been a guitar player and they did take the tape though I do not recall what they gave for it. Of policy it should be understood that these young men were not getting these things for themselves but to sell to others.

One thing did strike my roommate at the time as being challenging which prompted him to ask if they were staying in the hotel to which he was told by one of these two young men that they were not. It was then that I asked how they managed to get in the hotel, me having been told that only hotel guests who showed a card from the hotel were allowed in. It was then that they told us that because their English was not bad and in fact it was not and they dressed like westerns they could get in and obviously they had.

Later on I would meet two other young men in the hotel who were also trying to do what ever firm they could and it was from them that I easily learnt a lot about how habitancy in the Soviet Union felt toward not only Americans but many things. It might seem strange to some how I do not even remember the names of these two young men or even what they looked like but I remember practically all things that transpired between the three of us. First I went with them to Red quadrilateral instead of going with my group; after all if I had wanted to join together with other Americans, one can fantasize where I would have stayed.

Many things had I seen through out my travels in many countries, from the Coliseum in Rome (now one of the world's seven new wonders) to the Eiffel Tower but neither of these two monuments or any other which I had seen for that matter could surpass the grandness of "Red Square". The place as I observed it on that frozen day in the month of December seemed so astounding that I easily was at a loss for words. It was not that the Kremlin or any of the structure surrounding it; such as the one being hailed as the world's biggest toy store or even Saint Basel's cathedral were that large but the aggregate created by all that was Red quadrilateral had such a strong initial impact on me that I will never forget. It was mesmerizing to see this place and all its features that for a occasion gave me the impression of being in a city above the clouds. The ornaments on the structure being such that they practically seemed unreal. I plainly after having recovered slightly from my near shock took out my trusty Minolta to picture this place and all it included; which in all honesty even looked like a small town rather then a large monument. It was in the process of photographing this place that I started with a wide angle lens; as to capture it all in one shot and then moved on to a zoom to get Saint Basil's cathedral; the attractiveness of which in my view is most underrated. Needless to say my camera captured all of Red Square's points of interest but none fascinated me as much as Saint Basil's which to my mind was the typical Russian cathedral.

Naturally in all that was Red quadrilateral one could not ignore the nearnessy of the mausoleum dedicated to Lenin; which was visited by the thousands who would bare the cold and heat just to see the body of a dead man. As for myself personally I had neither the time or the inclination to stand on a line; even a short one as was the one for foreigners (as opposed to the other one for Soviet citizens) just to see a man in what in my view was an act of idolatry. Unsurprisingly by then the Soviet Union having long gone through a process of convert had removed the remains of Joseph Stalin from Lenin's presence, not that this made any variation to me at the time or even now for that matter.

After their acting as my personal tour guide, they took me to a small neighborhood bistro in Moscow, sort of like a bistro (this French word having its roots in a Russian word meaning fast) where we had some sausage and tea. It was there as opposed to the hotel that I discovered how cheap life could be in Moscow for man who had Us dollars or any other kind of western currency, so much so that I wanted to treat my tour guides to what they had consumed only to search for it was them who wanted to do likewise for me. At first I did not easily know what to say and asked if I could pay at least for myself but was told it would be a good idea not to offend them by refusing their invitation. This I did agree to.

It was during our time together that we discovered many things about each other's countries, for instance they discovered that New York was not as hazardous a place to live in as they had been lead to believe by American television and their own media while I was also not excluded from seeing find out many challenging things. First off all that Soviets, at least the habitancy were not as anti-American as I had view they would be and what easily surprised me was that despite his popularity in America, specially after his last trip which had taken place a few weeks before; Gorbachov was not easily liked in the Soviet Union by the average citizen, specially those who were not in the party.

This at first seemed practically hard to believe as during his last trip to America (which had taken place on the 8th of December) habitancy had easily lined the streets by the thousands in spite of the cold just to get a view of him, in scenes reminiscent of "Beatlemania" at its peak. I for my list had even gone to where I knew his car would be passing in the hope of getting a photograph. Mine any way was done more out of wanting to be a photographer then adoration, this in part motivated by the success I had had the same year in London when on Queen Elizabeth's birthday of the 10th of June I managed to get a great shot head shot as she was arrival down "The Mall" in her open carriage. Gorbachov any way was a distinct matter all together as he was being driven in a done limo, which made it impossible for me to be able to get any kind of picture other then one of his car. I even remembered hearing on the news, how he while being driven through Broadway had easily gotten out of his car (much to my regret for not being there to capture on film this historic moment) on a day of ultimate cold to shake the hands of some of the thousands who were lining the streets just to get a view of him. This plainly caused joy to a lot while panic to his protection guards who were as surprised as those who found themselves shaking hands with Gorbachov. It had been a case that Gorbachov had not informed his protection of what he would do beforehand and due to this many of the protection cars had driven on only to search for after a few seconds that Gorbachov's car had stopped and that Gorvachov now found himself in the middle of a mob shaking hands with all those who were running up to him. As improbable his protection had to backtrack themselves to get to him in fear that something might happen which of policy did not but I can fantasize what anxiety they might have been going through at the time. Among these habitancy there were also protestors from some of the Soviet republics such as Armenia; who even claimed that they felt for the first time that there was a man who at least was willing to hear what they had to say.

After hearing that Gorbachov for the most part was not liked I asked what was it about him that most habitancy did not like and to this quiz, I encountered an respond that I did not easily understand at the time and that was that most habitancy did not like Gorvachov plainly because his personal approved of living was a lot higher then their own. It was not because of political reasons or ideology or anything of the sort but the luxury he had surround himself in. They mentioned how he flew around the world and they could not, how he had a fur coats, a reputation card by American Express (given to him I fantasize mostly as publicity), expensive clothes while they did not. I at that point did not see anything strange or unusual in this as in America most Americans did not live as well as our president (Ronald Reagan at the time) and if some did not like him; it without fail was not for that reason. There might have been other reasons such as the "Iran Contra scandal" but that was someone else matter but not because he made more money then they did as this was and still is the case in most countries. This any way was a case of what most habitancy had come to accept in most countries that it did not matter that their leaders were financially good off then they were so long as their own approved was approved to them. any way here in the Soviet Union habitancy did not even want to know that their leaders had more then they did even if it was the top leader. This Possibly was the explanation why Soviet citizens were not allowed to enter distinct stores, restaurants or hotels, as they would be exposed to what they could not afford anyway and Possibly that their principles of financial equality was not easily working all that well.

I for my own did not commentary on what I had heard; preferring to say nothing since I had not easily understood the mentality behind the words and rather then get in to a quarrel with those who had treated me to this humble but pleasant lunch I asked what they view of American films. This they told me they had seen some but several were being banned such as had been the case with "Red Heat" staring Arnold Schwarzenegger due to a scene in which the character played by Arnold (a Soviet policeman) trades a 10 dollar watch for a 1,000 dollar watch with an American policeman, played by Jim Belushi. I was challenging how these two young men even knew about this scene, if they had not seen the film but this I did not ask.

It was after having a nice meal (which was no worse then what I was getting in the hotel) in this friendly neighborhood place that I took a opportunity and went to the apartment of one of these two young men to get what they had promised me which was a Soviet military winter coat and a Jersey of the national football team. I having not much of anything to trade offered them American dollars which they did not refuse any way we would have to go back to my hotel to get as I did not have them on me.

It was when going back to the hotel that I rode the Moscow subway for the first time and was amazed at how often the trains came and how deep it was, a factor which I knew had not been undesirable during World War Ii given the bombing this city had been submitted to by the German air force. Upon return to the hotel I paid them the money I had promised them plus a pack of "Life Savers" in a gesture after theirs which had been to pay for my sausage and tea.

Once concluded, the firm of trade by barter with the hour being not far from an evening one I decided to shower and get ready for a night at the ballet. The bolshoi; it would be as if it could be any other being in Moscow, plainly at the Bolshoi (this word meaning great in Russian) theatre. With this in mind I put on my suit, the only one I had brought with me, a nice Cardin (him still being fashionable at the time) on top of which I put on my newly acquired military coat courtesy of the Soviet Union however; it was on the propose of our tour guide that I chose to wear someone else one. Him telling me that we were in a country were civilians specially foreigners were not allowed to wear Soviet military attire; meaning that it would be wise if I were to put on someone else coat which I did.

An Encounter With the Bolshoi Ballet (Part One)

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Saturday, February 26, 2011

data You Need About Camping

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most gorgeous places to camp, hike, fish, or just watch nature. Each year, hundreds of families and others visit the park in order to see some of the gorgeous sites.

When planning your next trip to Yellowstone, you need to be aware of some challenges you may face. One of the biggest concerns for those traveling to the park while the summertime is the availability of campsites. While you can make reservations, you will have to do so months in advance. This is because of the growing amount of people who want to visit the park each year. While there are spots that are ready to those who show up first, these spots fill up very quickly. Perceive the park for more facts especially if you are traveling a long distance to get there.

News From Armenia

Another concern that people have when visiting the park are the bears. While there are bears that will roam into campsites, most shy away from people and do not want to come to be part of the crowd. If a bear does stroll into your encampment it is normally an accident. Don't arrival the bear and try to leave it alone until it is gone. Most bears are just looking for leftover food and will not assault unless provoked.

Since Yellowstone is so large, it is very easy to come to be lost while hiking if you aren't familiar with the territory. In your backpack, you should contain a few days worth of fresh water, packaged food items, a blanket, Gps navigational device, and a change of clothing. In case you have to stay exterior overnight, you will have enough supplies until you are rescued or you find your way out of the woods. The park police are trained to find people swiftly if they come to be lost, but being ready is leading in a park this large.

Being safe and practicing good camping methods will help you and you house have a great time camping. Obeying the rules will prevent forest fires, injury, and allow you to see the land in all its beauty. My house took a trip from Malaga, Spain last summer and loved it.

data You Need About Camping

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Twentieth Century's First Genocide: A communicate of The Burning Tigris

The Burning Tigris by Peter Balakian examines in great detail the massacres of over a million Armenians by the Turkish government while the late 19th century and while World War I. With over 1,100 footnotes to the work, Balakian leaves no stone unturned in this monumental work which focuses on a little-known area of Armenian, Turkish, and American history.

The story starts with the first massacres of Armenians in the late 19th century, and the first instances of organized killings by groups of Turks. As Christians, the Armenians (and to a lesser extent, Greeks and other Christian ethnic groups) were treated the the ruling Muslim Turks as second class citizens, at best, and expendable, at worst. This was in distinction to the fact that Armenians made up a large part of the intellectual and economic life of Turkey in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With the first of the massacres, however, the stage was set for future atrocities against the Armenians.

News From Armenia

The rise of the "Young Turks" as leaders of the government was the point at which the plan to eliminate the non-Muslim groups was accelerated. The Young Turks, who came to power in 1908 under a guise of standing up for the possession of all the groups living in the country at the time, furthered the destructive path of their predecessor: Sultan Abdul Hamid Ii. The expectations of the Armenians for the brighter future promised by the Young Turk government, however, were met only with prejudice, hatred, and violence from the new rulers, who initiated a plan to eliminate the Armenians entirely.

With Turkey's involvement in World War I, on the side of Germany, the government saw its opportunity to begin the systematic genocide of the Armenians. On one occurrence, April 24, 1915, in Constantinople, the Turks rounded up the intellectual and artistic leaders of the Armenians and proceeded to eliminate the vast majority of them. This scene, and many more horrifying ones, were played out across Turkey. Men and boys were burned alive, shot, stabbed, drowned, starved, and deported. Women endured the same fates as the men, along with various forms of sexual torture committed by the Turks. The trail of burned villages and dead Armenians extended across the entirety of Turkey.

Balakian cites sources as diverse as official government documents, correspondence from ambassadors, consuls, diplomats, and other witnesses to the events. The same descriptions of massacre and torture are played out over and over again in different regions of Turkey and are seen by numerous representatives of foreign governments and aid institutions.

The Turks culminate their activities in a nationwide deportation of the Armenians, who are forced to march from the homes hundreds of miles away into the desert, given no food or water, with intermittent killings and rape committed along the way. As can be expected, few Armenians survive the mass deportation.

By the end of the war, in the middle of one million and 1.5 million Armenians meet their fate at the hands of the Turkish government's genocide, effectively wiping out two-thirds of the Armenian citizen of Turkey. If not for the philanthropic and activist involvement of prominent American organizations who provided aid to the Armenians, the number of dead may have been even more catastrophic. Such organizations as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Red Cross provided aid while the initial massacres and while the wide-scale genocide of World War I.

Balakian goes on to additional inspect the response of the world to the Armenian genocide from the end of the war until the present day. Unfortunately, the genocide has been pushed into the background of 20th century genocides, with Turkey actively denying the entire mess as Armenian propaganda, and America failing the Armenians both after the war, and even now, refusing to invoke the anger of Turkey by acknowledging the genocide. In fact, the Us will not officially support using the word "genocide" to chronicle the systematic elimination of over one million people, in distinction to numerous other countries who have acceptable the massacres as a genocide.

America's giving in to Turkish influence is, of course, based on the lack of power exercised by the new Armenian nation, and the strategic location of Turkey. With two-thirds of its citizen destroyed, the Armenians were given their own country far from their former homes in Turkey, and were forced to accept the aid of the U.S.S.R. In order to gain security against additional attacks by Turkey after the war. Even with their current freedom, their military power and natural resources do not collate with those of the more influential Turkey.

And even now, America protects its military, economic, and political interests in Turkey, by its active complicity in the downgrading of what happened in the late 19th and early 20 centuries, culminating in the century's first genocide. In this case, unfortunately, the winners have decided what history speaks for Armenia. And oil, as it has approximately since its discovery and thorough use, runs thicker than the blood of millions of people.

With his book The Burning Tigris, Peter Balakian has given a definitive inventory of the Armenian Genocide and America's successes and failures in aiding the remaining Armenians. Completely sourced, well written, and accurately descriptive, this book brings to the light one of the darkest, most horrifying occurrences of the 20th century.

The Twentieth Century's First Genocide: A communicate of The Burning Tigris

Visit : todays world news headlines

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Pagan Jesus - Did Jesus Come From Pagan Religions?

A favorite and growing confidence is that the Christian Jesus is just a copycat of pagan religious figures. This is the claim that the early Christians merely "borrowed" from the pagan religions of the day. Essentially, Christianity absorbed these other figures, mixed them together, and created the someone named Jesus.

In up-to-date years, promoting this view has come to be big business. It has climbed the best-sellers list (The Pagan Christ) and has hit the big screen (The DaVinci Code). And on the surface, it sounds plausible. But is it true?

News From Armenia

This view of Jesus emerged in the late 1800s, and was propelled by a book by Kersey Graves entitled, The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (1875). This book claimed that Jesus was not a real someone but was instead a compilation of stories of other "deities or god-men saviors who had been crucified, and descended to and ascended from the underworld."

However, Graves' research was unreliable. For example, estimate 16 on his list was Mohammed. But Islam does not teach that Mohammed died and rose again. Besides, Mohammed came centuries after Jesus. So it is sure that Christian beliefs about Jesus did not come from Mohammed.

Among scholars, both Christian and atheist, The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors has been roughly universally rejected, and Graves has been dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. Even the secular website warns, "Readers should be highly cautious in trusting anyone in this book." However, the confidence the book promoted persists to this day, and it has given rise to what is known as the Jesus Myth Hypothesis.

The most base comparison between Jesus and pagan religions involves the Persian sun god Mithras. Mithras, who was favorite in the Roman Empire particularly among the military, supposedly had a virgin birth on December 25. That is what advocates of the Jesus Myth Hypothesis will argue. But actually, the Mithras cult claims that he emerged fully grown from a rock. That was his "virgin birth."

Furthermore, while the Mithras cult did exist before the time of Jesus, many of the beliefs about Mithras were not developed until at least half way straight through the second century after Jesus. So it would unmistakably be Mithras borrowing from Jesus, not the other way around.

As for the December 25 birthday, Christianity does not claim to know the date of Jesus' birth. In fact, throughout the centuries his birth has been celebrated on a collection of dates along with May 20 and March 28. Even today in Armenia, his birth is celebrated on January 6. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates his birth on January 7. December 25 is an arbitrary date and is not relevant to doctrinal beliefs about Jesus.

Another pagan icon, Attis, was killed in a hunting accident. One of the people assigned to protect him threw a spear at a wild boar and hit Attis accidentally. So Attis was impaled by a spear; Jesus was impaled by nails. According to the Jesus Myth Hypothesis, this story of Attis is supposed to be a parallel to the crucifixion story. But that conclusion is a stretch.

The pagan god Osiris assertedly had a resurrection. But his actual story is that after he died he came to life in the Underworld. He rules there over the dead, not the living. Osiris is reminiscent of an Egyptian mummy, and his story is nothing like the resurrection of Jesus.

Without knowing the facts, the Jesus Myth Hypothesis sounds plausible. But with a limited investigation, it becomes apparent that there is very limited preserve for it.

There are, however, some valid comparisons that can be made between paganism and Christianity. For example, baptism was a pre-Christian opinion which was practiced as a pagan religious ritual. Jesus took this convention that was already in existence and infused it with new meaning, identifying it with his own death and resurrection.

Easter was once a pagan holiday and a pagan term. So how did it come to be a Christian holiday? Well, the pagan holiday happened to coincide with the Jewish Passover, which was also the weekend of Jesus' death and resurrection. So today, this pagan holiday has been infused with new meaning and is now a commemoration of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. It is no longer the same pagan celebration; it's a fully Christian celebration.

Some people advise that Christians worship on Sunday because it was a day set aside to worship the sun-god. But in reality, Christians worship on that day because it was on a Sunday that Jesus rose from the dead. This switch from Saturday to Sunday worship occurred fairly quickly after the Resurrection.

As James Garlow, an devotee on church history, explains, "The issue is less about the church 'borrowing' pagan concepts and more about authentic Christianity's magnificent capacity to adapt and adopt without losing the core of its Christocentric message."

Plus, remember that every needful detail about Jesus was foretold centuries earlier. Jesus was the fulfillment of Jewish prophecies, some dating back 1000 years before his birth. Christianity emerged from Judaism, not paganism.

The claim that Jesus is a merging of pagan beliefs is false. Either or not a someone accepts the Christian view of Jesus, it is clear that he did not come from pagan religions.

(This narrative is adapted from an citation of Who Is Jesus? Discovering the Man, the Message and the Mission by Gregory E. Hanson.)

The Pagan Jesus - Did Jesus Come From Pagan Religions?

Visit : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Universal announcement of Human possession

Looking ahead to the inauguration of a new president of the United States, I began mental about what sort of world we might want to create, and the initiatives we must undertake in order to see that vision come to be reality.

From my perspective it seemed logical that ensuring basic human ownership for every person on the planet needs to happen first. But the topic of human ownership is quite broad in its nature, and I wondered if everyone's definition of human ownership was the same. While the seminar has gone on for thousands of years, my research brought me to a fairly up-to-date definition - one that was agreed to by world leaders after World War Ii and shortly after the birth of the United Nations.

News From Armenia

United Nations Sixty-Three Years Hence

Founded in 1945 with just 51 customary members, the United Nations has grown to include 192 members and has complicated itself in a long list of international situations while that time. Peacekeeping soldiery have operated in many countries, witnessing countless acts of violence and dealing with extremes of poverty, social injustice and hunger. Though providing a inescapable sway in these arenas of conflict, the Un has met with mixed success in their lease to sound peace.

Looking ahead to the inauguration of a new president of the United States, I began mental about what sort of world we might want to create, and the initiatives we must undertake in order to see that vision come to be reality.

From my perspective it seemed logical that ensuring basic human ownership for every person on the planet needs to happen first. But the topic of human ownership is quite broad in its nature, and I wondered if everyone's definition of human ownership was the same. While the seminar has gone on for thousands of years, my research brought me to a fairly up-to-date definition - one that was agreed to by world leaders after World War Ii and shortly after the birth of the United Nations.

United Nations Sixty-Three Years Hence

Founded in 1945 with just 51 customary members, the United Nations has grown to include 192 members and has complicated itself in a long list of international situations while that time. Peacekeeping soldiery have operated in many countries, witnessing countless acts of violence and dealing with extremes of poverty, social injustice and hunger. Though providing a inescapable sway in these arenas of conflict, the Un has met with mixed success in their lease to sound peace.

Angola Bosnia and Herzegovina Cambodia Democratic Republic of Congo Croatia El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Iran Iraq Kuwait Lebanon Rwanda Somalia

Much has changed since 1945. Millions have died in countless conflicts, 80 nations once under colonial rule have gained their independence and joined the Un, while other countries have been birthed and borders redrawn. The demise of the Ussr greatly altered that region's landscape.

Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan

The Foundation of Human Rights

It's difficult to fathom the wars, conflicts, invasions, genocides, torture, abuse and neglect which have ravaged our global community after reading The Universal proclamation of Human Rights. Adopted by the United Nations when the assosication was just 3 years old, this important document set the stage for how governments and their citizens were 'supposed' to treat each other. Unfortunately the objectives contained within have repeatedly been ignored by world leaders of developed and developing nations alike. It would seem that those who are tasked with upholding the 30 articles naturally pick and pick what they wish to effect and under what circumstances.

While commentary can beyond doubt be written on each of the articles, I've chosen a adopt few to reflect upon in light of events that are ongoing or have occurred in the up-to-date past. Those living in the Western world are, for the most part, shielded from the pain and suffering that exists for the millions whose ownership have been denied. The closest we get to experiencing their plight is watching a few minutes of television coverage. But the real photograph is not a pretty one, and despite the efforts of both government and non-government agencies, there doesn't appear to be any relief in sight.

Article #1 States: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with hypothesize and conscience and should act towards one other in a spirit of brotherhood."

Any spin of the violence which continues to be wagged in various parts of the world would note the fact that our potential to act 'in a spirit of brotherhood' has been seriously compromised. And all too often governments only give lip aid to the crisis, contribution social condemnations and a dose of back-room diplomacy. Current events in the Democratic Republic of Congo attest to that, with the death toll now approaching 6 million.

Article #3 States: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."

The most troubling aspect of war, even when the performance is generally deemed to be justified, relates to the innocent people who are the unwilling victims such conflict. We are often told 'that's the price of freedom', or the deaths are categorized as 'unintended consequences' or the more common 'collateral damage', as though creating a more sanitized label makes it any less tragic. Over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq since the invasion began, and though it is difficult to accurately collate the supplementary related deaths from disease, starvation and other causes, it is likely that an equal amount have died in this manner.

Article #5 States: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Simple in concept, yet we witnessed the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and acts of torture and abuse within the walls of the Abu Ghraib prison in 2003 shocked the world. But most incidents of torture go unreported, as they are committed under a veil of secrecy. astonishing Rendition is one such custom engaged in by the United States government while the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it represents a flagrant violation of internationally agreed upon human rights.

Article #9 States: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

Yet this is such a common question in many countries, from Russia to China to Pakistan. The most supreme example at gift involves the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and the imprisonment of detainees without charges being filed. The location was chosen due to the fact that it is covering of Us legal jurisdiction, and the prisoners were classified as 'enemy combatants' to deny them the ownership provided to Pows under the Geneva convention. This legal no man's land has come to be a human ownership black hole.

Article #10 States: "Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and social hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the measurement of his ownership and obligations and of any criminal payment against him."

Once again, the list of countries that violate this basic right is very long, and by its very nature, illegal imprisonment normally involves a denial of the right to a fair hearing. Saddam Hussein used the very same Abu Ghraib prison to house thousands of political prisoners. Denied passage to an impartial tribunal, many were executed without so much as a allowable trail.

Article #19 States: "Everyone has the right to leisure of view and expression; this right includes leisure to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and spin data and ideas straight through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Suppression of free speech occurs in most of the developing world to one extent or another, but is also widely practiced in developed countries. China, Russia and Pakistan once again make that list, while Robert Mugabe's blatant campaign of violence and intimidation was used to commit determination fraud in Zimbabwe. Blog censorship has also come to be a major problem, as many countries struggle with their citizen's new found potential to spin covering the customary channels of television, radio and newspaper - channels that could be beyond doubt controlled in the past.

Article #28 States: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the ownership and freedoms set forth in this proclamation can be full realized."

The United Nations was intended to be the body which ensures the existence of this social and international order, yet that goal has remained elusive for these 63 years. When major violations of basic human ownership are committed by the members of the United Nations security Council, it is unwise to assume that the Un will be the assosication to pursue violations of this article.

The Role of the United States

It is not realistic to assume the United States will solve this dilemma alone, nor should it assume sole responsibility, as this issue of human ownership includes every person and will want all governments and organizations to participate. But America has an opportunity to play a extra role, not only because it has the world's largest economic and organizational skill set, but because of its potential to rally maintain for causes and play a leadership role that will maximize the efforts undertaken.

Come January 20, 2009, this must be a priority of the new management - to once again claim the moral high ground with respect to upholding and promoting the articles as set forth in the Universal proclamation of Human Rights, and to be the leader that the world needs at such a precarious time in its history. There is much work to be done in order to remedy our past missteps, but that needs to happen before meaningful expand can be made, and the world can't wait much longer.

How do we perform this difficult goal of providing Universal Human Rights?
Much has changed since 1945. Millions have died in countless conflicts, 80 nations once under colonial rule have gained their independence and joined the Un, while other countries have been birthed and borders redrawn. The demise of the Ussr greatly altered that region's landscape.

Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan

The Foundation of Human Rights

It's difficult to fathom the wars, conflicts, invasions, genocides, torture, abuse and neglect which have ravaged our global community after reading The Universal proclamation of Human Rights. Adopted by the United Nations when the assosication was just 3 years old, this important document set the stage for how governments and their citizens were 'supposed' to treat each other. Unfortunately the objectives contained within have repeatedly been ignored by world leaders of developed and developing nations alike. It would seem that those who are tasked with upholding the 30 articles naturally pick and pick what they wish to effect and under what circumstances.

While commentary can beyond doubt be written on each of the articles, I've chosen a adopt few to reflect upon in light of events that are ongoing or have occurred in the up-to-date past. Those living in the Western world are, for the most part, shielded from the pain and suffering that exists for the millions whose ownership have been denied. The closest we get to experiencing their plight is watching a few minutes of television coverage. But the real photograph is not a pretty one, and despite the efforts of both government and non-government agencies, there doesn't appear to be any relief in sight.

Article #1 States: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with hypothesize and conscience and should act towards one other in a spirit of brotherhood."

Any spin of the violence which continues to be wagged in various parts of the world would note the fact that our potential to act 'in a spirit of brotherhood' has been seriously compromised. And all too often governments only give lip aid to the crisis, contribution social condemnations and a dose of back-room diplomacy. Current events in the Democratic Republic of Congo attest to that, with the death toll now approaching 6 million.

Article #3 States: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person."

The most troubling aspect of war, even when the performance is generally deemed to be justified, relates to the innocent people who are the unwilling victims such conflict. We are often told 'that's the price of freedom', or the deaths are categorized as 'unintended consequences' or the more common 'collateral damage', as though creating a more sanitized label makes it any less tragic. Over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq since the invasion began, and though it is difficult to accurately collate the supplementary related deaths from disease, starvation and other causes, it is likely that an equal amount have died in this manner.

Article #5 States: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Simple in concept, yet we witnessed the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and acts of torture and abuse within the walls of the Abu Ghraib prison in 2003 shocked the world. But most incidents of torture go unreported, as they are committed under a veil of secrecy. astonishing Rendition is one such custom engaged in by the United States government while the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it represents a flagrant violation of internationally agreed upon human rights.

Article #9 States: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

Yet this is such a common question in many countries, from Russia to China to Pakistan. The most supreme example at gift involves the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and the imprisonment of detainees without charges being filed. The location was chosen due to the fact that it is covering of Us legal jurisdiction, and the prisoners were classified as 'enemy combatants' to deny them the ownership provided to Pows under the Geneva convention. This legal no man's land has come to be a human ownership black hole.

Article #10 States: "Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and social hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the measurement of his ownership and obligations and of any criminal payment against him."

Once again, the list of countries that violate this basic right is very long, and by its very nature, illegal imprisonment normally involves a denial of the right to a fair hearing. Saddam Hussein used the very same Abu Ghraib prison to house thousands of political prisoners. Denied passage to an impartial tribunal, many were executed without so much as a allowable trail.

Article #19 States: "Everyone has the right to leisure of view and expression; this right includes leisure to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and spin data and ideas straight through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Suppression of free speech occurs in most of the developing world to one extent or another, but is also widely practiced in developed countries. China, Russia and Pakistan once again make that list, while Robert Mugabe's blatant campaign of violence and intimidation was used to commit determination fraud in Zimbabwe. Blog censorship has also come to be a major problem, as many countries struggle with their citizen's new found potential to spin covering the customary channels of television, radio and newspaper - channels that could be beyond doubt controlled in the past.

Article #28 States: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the ownership and freedoms set forth in this proclamation can be full realized."

The United Nations was intended to be the body which ensures the existence of this social and international order, yet that goal has remained elusive for these 63 years. When major violations of basic human ownership are committed by the members of the United Nations security Council, it is unwise to assume that the Un will be the assosication to pursue violations of this article.

The Role of the United States

It is not realistic to assume the United States will solve this dilemma alone, nor should it assume sole responsibility, as this issue of human ownership includes every person and will want all governments and organizations to participate. But America has an opportunity to play a extra role, not only because it has the world's largest economic and organizational skill set, but because of its potential to rally maintain for causes and play a leadership role that will maximize the efforts undertaken.

Come January 20, 2009, this must be a priority of the new management - to once again claim the moral high ground with respect to upholding and promoting the articles as set forth in the Universal proclamation of Human Rights, and to be the leader that the world needs at such a precarious time in its history. There is much work to be done in order to remedy our past missteps, but that needs to happen before meaningful expand can be made, and the world can't wait much longer.

How do we perform this difficult goal of providing Universal Human Rights?

Universal announcement of Human possession

See Also : todays world news headlines

Monday, February 21, 2011

Methodology For evaluation Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing


Coastal zone is defined as "the coastal waters (including the lands therein and thereunder) and the adjacent shorelands (including the waters therein and thereunder), strongly influenced by each other and in nearnessy to the shorelines of the some coastal states, and includes islands, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes, wetlands, and beaches." Coastal locations were some of the first located in the country, and have all the time accounted for a major ration of the extensive population. They were the traditional centers for transportation, tourism, recreation, commercial fishing, and other industry. This coastal zone remains a crucial segment of the nation's extensive economy. A variety of natural hazards usually threaten this coastal zone. Severe meteorological events such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and nor'easters are particularly harsh on coastal areas, often resulting in damages from high winds, storm surge, flooding, and coast erosion. Tsunamis, whose destructive force is characterized by potentially devastating flood inundation, are uniquely coastal events resulting from offshore earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic activity. Coastal locations are also subjected to the impacts of long-term hazards such as chronic coastal erosion, possible sea-level rise, and global atmosphere change.

News From Armenia

Coastal hazard events can significantly influence or even alter the natural environment. Their impacts are generally not thought about to be "disastrous" unless they involve damages to human populations and infrastructure. When habitancy and property are not present, hazards are merely natural processes that alter the environment. When habitancy and property is gift then the impacts of hazards are viewed quite differently. The traditional focus is no longer on the natural processes connected with a major hazard event, but instead on the disastrous results that can be measured by lives lost, property damages, and economic and environmental impacts.

The impacts of natural hazards are becoming increasingly precious and devastating. Hazard impacts on the natural environment come to be more devastating because human amelioration has altered the quality of natural systems to recover from such events. Experts believe that the statistics on disaster losses continue to rise worldwide due to a blend of factors that comprise a rise in the amount of hazard events due to global atmosphere turn or natural cyclical trends, and an increase in human exposure in hazardous locations.

Some of the decrease in disaster damages worldwide could also be the result of improvements in disaster monitoring and reporting capabilities, particularly in developing countries. But disaster loss increases in the United States seem to be most intimately tied to increased human exposure in high risk areas such as the nation's coasts.

The United States has an substantial and diverse coastline that supports a disproportionate ration of the nation's population. The nation's 451 coastal counties comprise just over 50 percent of the U.S. Population, yet only account for about 20 percent of the total U.S. Land area. during the last decade, 17 of the 20 fastest growing counties were located along the coast. In addition, 19 of the 20 most densely populated counties in the nation are coastal counties. These coastal counties possess economic gain straight through natural resources, marine trade and commerce. These coastal counties also possess economic loss due to the natural hazards, overexploitation and exponential habitancy growth. An appraisal of both the economic gain and economic loss is briefly discussed as follows.

Economic gain in U.S. Coastal zone

Nature article (May 1997), a group of ecologists estimated the value on ecosystem in the coastal zone. They estimated that the worth of the services for marine ecosystems is roughly trillion per year. agreeing to Sea Technology magazine, the value of goods and services sold by the ocean/marine manufactures was estimated in 1995 as billion annually. Offshore oil and gas yield has come to be very important and the 1996 value was more than billion and the each year offshore yield is increasing. agreeing to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric management (Noaa), 77 million pounds (meat weight) of shellfish were harvested from U.S. Coastal waters in 1995, with a dockside value of 0 million.

Current Noaa estimates about the recreational uses of U.S. Coastal areas includes: roughly 94 million habitancy boat and fish annually; the midpoint American spends 10 recreational days on the coast each year; The coasts (excluding the Great Lakes coastline) reserve 25,500 recreational facilities; More than 180 million Americans visited ocean and bay beaches in 1993; Recreational fishing contributes .5 billion annually to the U.S.
economy; Coastal recreation and tourism generate to billion annually.

Economic loss in U.S. Coastal zone

Disaster losses in the United States coastal zone are currently estimated conservatively at billion annually. The disaster loss between 1975 and 1994 is estimated as 0 billion. 80 percent of the losses were imposed by meteorological events and 10 percent were the result of earthquakes and volcanoes. A great earthquake (magnitude 8 or larger) has not struck a major metropolitan area since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. An ultimate or catastrophic hurricane (Class 4 or 5) has not directly struck a major urban area since the one that hit Miami, Florida, in 1926. Yet even without such disasters, which might generate losses well over 0 billion, the extensive costs of natural hazards, such as ultimate weather, drought, and wildfires, are estimated at billion per year for the past 5 years, or roughly billion per week. In the United States, the direct costs to heal the damage midpoint about billion per year, of which over billion is due to tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes.

The Fema coastal erosion study conducted by The Heinz town for Science, Economics and the Environment estimates that roughly 25 percent of homes and other structures within 500 feet of the U.S. Coastline and the shorelines of the Great Lakes will fall victim to the effects of erosion within the next 60 years. Especially hard hit will be areas along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines, which are startling to account for 60 percent of nationwide losses. The article estimates that costs to U.S. Homeowners will midpoint more than a half billion dollars per year, and that supplementary amelioration in high erosion areas will lead to higher losses. Thirty-four floods have been reported in Wake County (data source: Ndcd and Sheldus). The total coastline of mapped coast of Gulf of Mexico coast is about 8058 km out of which 3387 kms is in very high risk, 1056 kms is in high risk, 2968 km is in gradually risk and 547 kms is in low risk kind due to sea level rise. So the 42 % of the coast line is in high risk, 37 % moderate risk and 8 % low risk (Robert Thieler 2001).

Hurricane Mitch, one of the most distinguished and damaging storms experienced in Central America, struck between 26 October and 1 November 1998. A kind V hurricane, the event was characterized by laberious rainfall and high winds, dumping a year's worth of precipitation in less than one week on the region, causing the overflow of rivers, floods, mudslides and landslides. Thousands of habitancy were killed and left homeless. Mitch caused billions of dollars of damage, and left huge tasks of reconstruction, resulting in the loss of decades of amelioration efforts in the region.

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Eclac) estimates that the direct cost of replacing the lost and damaged infrastructure in the region after Hurricane Mitch is some Us,000 million (Caballeros, 1999).

Recent large-scale disasters such as Hurricane Mitch and Georges, and the earthquake in Armenia, Colombia have demonstrated the vulnerability of society. It is widely recognized that up-to-date habitancy growth, rapid urbanization and the socioeconomic structure in Central America have increased vulnerability of these countries to natural hazards.

These disasters faced by the inhabitants both by natural and anthropological effects lead to the formation of legislation / laws to govern.

Legislation & major acts in U.S. Coastal Zone

The economic loss and economic yield as such felt by the inhabitants of the Earth has resulted in the formation of legislation. This legislation is framed for the sustainable use of the ready natural resources. When the loss is severe or the gain is enormous; the laws needs some correction hence they were amended periodically. Some of the Laws and Acts pertaining to U.S. Coastal zone were National Environmental procedure Act, Clean water Act, marine Protection, study and Sanctuaries Act, Ocean Dumping Act of 1972, Water Resources amelioration Act of 1996, Coastal Zone management Act of 1972, marine beast security Act of 1972, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and management Act of 1976 Endangered Species Act 1973, Nation wise Invasive Species Act of 1996, Oil Pollution Act of 1990, extensive environmental response, compensation, and liability act of 1980, Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899, The Submerged Lands Act of 1953, The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, resource Conservation and salvage Act of 1976 and The Coastal Barriers Resources Act of 1982.

Hence in order to amend these laws the integration in dissimilar fields is attempted and discussed as follows.

Results And Discussion

Assessment of Natural Hazard

Natural hazard is a phenomenon which occurs in nearnessy and poses a threat to people, structures or economic assets and may cause disaster. They are caused by meteorological, biological, geological, seismic, hydrological, or conditions or processes in the natural environment. Hazard appraisal is the process of estimating, for defined areas, the probabilities of the occurrence of potentially - damaging phenomenon of given magnitudes within a specified period of time. Hazard appraisal involves analysis of formal and informal historical records, and skilled interpretation of existing meteorological, topographical, geological, geomorphologic, hydrological, and land-use maps.

Office of United Nations amelioration Relief club (Undro), defines the term vulnerability as: "The degree of loss to a given element or set of elements at risk resulting from the occurrence of a natural phenomenon of a given magnitude. It is expressed on a scale from 0 (no damage) to 1 (total damage)". The vulnerability of an element is usually expressed as a ration loss (or as a value between 0 and 1) for a given hazard severity level. The measure of loss used depends on the element at risk, and accordingly may be measured as a ratio of the numbers of persons killed or injured to the total population, as a heal cost or as the degree of physical damage defined on an thorough scale. In a large amount of elements, like construction stock, it may be defined in terms of the proportion of structure experiencing some singular level of damage.

Assessment is an interdisciplinary process under-taken in phases and captivating on-the-spot surveys and the collation, appraisal and interpretation of data from varied sources about both direct and indirect losses, short- and long-term effects. It involves determining not only what has happened and what assistance might be needed, but also defining objectives and how relevant assistance can verily be in case,granted to the victims. It requires attentiveness to both short-term needs and long-term implications.

The United States is becoming more vulnerable to natural hazards mostly because of changes in habitancy and national wealth density. Due to this, habitancy and infrastructure have come to be concentrated in disaster-prone areas. Natural Hazards threaten the sustainable amelioration of United States, destroying years of amelioration efforts and investments, placing new demands on society for reconstruction and rehabilitation, and shifting amelioration priorities away from long-term goals while immediate needs are met. For most of the 20th century, the United States has largely spared the price for catastrophic natural disaster. necessary enlarge has been made in understanding the varied impacts that hazards furnish on human and natural environments. Numerous study activities have been undertaken following the major hazard events of the past few years. Unfortunately, much of this study is piecemeal and has not been incorporated into any type of extensive database on disaster losses.

Natural hazards such as hurricanes and earthquakes do not have to come to be natural disasters. With permissible planning, along with permissible environment management, much of the risk can be reduced. The risks posed by natural hazards in United States are exacerbated by collective and environmental trends such as rapid urbanization and unplanned human settlements, poorly engineered construction, lack of adequate infrastructure, poverty, and inadequate environmental practices such as deforestation and land degradation.

Given the necessary costs of the nation's catastrophic natural disasters, focus has shifted in up-to-date years to enlarge beyond urgency preparedness and response to comprise a more long-term emphasis on disaster loss reduction. Hence it requires for a quantitative appraisal of natural hazards vulnerability for coastal zone. This quantitative appraisal of natural hazards is aimed to minimize either an individual's or a community's vulnerability to time to come disaster damages. Over the years, enlarge has been made in reducing hazard impacts straight through great predictions, forecasts, and warnings, particularly for meteorological hazards such as coastal storms and floods. general improvements in hurricane and tsunami prediction, and river and lake level forecasting, have been possible using the newest in computer modeling technology. Noaa's National Weather assistance (Nws) is currently working with some new technological systems that are intended to significantly enhance time to come flood forecasting capabilities. Though there were lot of techniques ready to correlate vulnerability due to natural hazard quantitatively still it is necessary to write back the scientific and technological data needs throughout the varied hazards-related disciplines and integration. Although necessary enlarge has been made in the study and science connected with natural hazards during the past 20 years, and improvements in technology and understanding about natural hazards and how to passage its vulnerability quantitatively requires a real-time networked scientific database.

Universities and study institutions (particularly the National Science Foundation), along with government agencies such as Noaa and Usgs that mouth scientific hazards-related responsibilities, have contributed to advances in the scientific study of natural hazards. There is now more quantitative data ready about the origins and behavior of hazard events but the thought of integration of the ready data sets is lagged.

This study is to join all the fields acting in coastal zone for the appraisal of vulnerability. Maps delineating hazard-prone areas at national, state, and local levels are needed to furnish more extensive hazards appraisal using data on a variety of natural phenomena, along with coastal storms, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, landslides, wildfires, drought, earthquakes, etc. Much of this data already exists, but issues such as data integration, compatibility, scales, accuracy, and resolution need to be addressed to make the data useful at the local level. great methodologies and models are also needed for conducting hazard vulnerability assessments that can join highly variable local conditions and characteristics. This calls for the site exact models for great estimates.

Computer-based geographic data systems could be used to analyze hazards data and furnish national risk appraisal data to state and local governments in quick and easy manner. exact models could be generated by using the Gis software. New high-resolution remote sensing capabilities could be examined for use in large-scale risk and vulnerability assessment. Hence, remote Sensing and Gis is to be intergrated and modeled for the appraisal of quantitative natural hazard vulnerability.

Improvements in monitoring, data collection, and data processing account for most of the advancements made in short-term weather-related forecasting. great modeling capabilities, along with a more thorough understanding of variables, such as global atmosphere turn and sea-level rise, are needed to enhance long-range forecasting and planning for coastal hazard impacts.

Gis integration / modeling for natural hazard vulnerability

Gis is one of the distinguished tools which can be used for the appraisal of Natural Hazards Vulnerability (Nhv). Due to these techniques, natural hazard mapping and vulnerability appraisal could be performed for the coastal zone. These maps will help the authorities for quick appraisal of possible impact of a natural hazard and initiation of thorough measures for reducing the impact. This data will help the planners and decision-makers to take determined steps in time.

Gis applications in the coastal zone are diversified and case-based. Applications studies such as (a) coastal mapping, (b) environmental monitoring, (c) coastal process modelling, (d) pilotage and port facilities management, (e) coastal environmental / hazard assessment, (f) coastal management / strategic planning, and (g) coastal ecological modeling could be done straight through Gis.

Coastal Mapping is in general focused on thematic mapping in the coastal zone, such as mapping chlorophyll attentiveness using Tm data (Chen et al. 1996). Environmental monitoring is one of the habit tasks in Czm, which comprise monitoring water quality and habitat/biodiversity, and beach watch. Coastal processes modeling of physical environment turn in the coastal zone includes the simulation of effects of sea-level rise (Ruth and Pieper 1994, Grossman and Eberhardt 1992, Zeng and Cowell 1998, 1999, Hennecke 2000), the appraisal of human intervention of coast turn (Huang et al. 1999), the use of historical data to predict time to come coastline turn (Sims et al. 1995) and the study of beach morphodynamics (Humphries and Ligdas, 1997). There are another two subcategories of the applications of hazards, namely, short-term and long-term tasks. The old is exemplified with monitoring and predicting oil spill (Belore, 1990), while the latter is demonstrated by coastal hazard / vulnerability appraisal due to atmosphere turn (Lee et al. 1992, Sims, et al., 1995; Deniels et al. 1996, Hickey et al. 1997, Zeng and Cowell 1999, Hennecke et al. 2000, Esnard et al. 2001). Coastal management / strategic planning involve assessing sustainability of the environment, collective and economic viability. The above said studies carried out in coastal zone are to be integrated using remote sensing and Gis for analysis.

The categories of Gis applications in coastal zone could be broadly categorized into three levels.

a) Level 1: as data management and mapping tools,

b) Level 2: as basic data analysis (query) and mapping tools, and

c) Level 3: as decision-supporting tools (modelling / simulation).

Most current implementations of Coastal Gis are still at Level 1 and Level 2. It is startling that Level 3 implementations will rapidly increase in the near time to come as the chronic correction in Gis functions and more user-friendly interface come to be ready in the market. Hence for the study of Quantitative appraisal of Natural Hazard Vulnerability Level 3 application is to be adopted.

The two basic approach / analysis, which should be followed for geospatial database amelioration were given below.

Integrated approach:

a) integration of dissimilar level of application,

b) integration of vector and raster (data and functions),

c) integration of knowledge of dissimilar expertise, and

d) integration of dissimilar scales in time and space.

Because of the nature of integration, Gis applications should reconsider long-term integration. This includes the vertical integration that involves dissimilar application (and potential) levels, and horizontal integration that involves other interest groups. Therefore, issues must be addressed from database design, data sharing to tool-making (analysis functions) and palpate sharing.

Multi-criteria analysis

a) multi - factors controls

Since coastal system has a complicated hierarchical structure with multi-forcing exerting on each of subsystem, no mater which aspect of the system to be investigated, multi-variable analysis is an necessary methods in the coastal environment.

b) multi - discipline approach for decision Other than the multi-factors, there are many interest groups of coastal community, therefore, good solutions to any coastal issues can only be derived from multidiscipline approach.

Output of the analysis

I. Historical and real-time data with respect to natural hazards will be gathered by satellite remote sensing, aerial photographs and by other approved means and integrated with Gis Rdbms. This results in an extensive geo- database.

Ii. Through the modeling technique and by using the Gis Rdbms we can evaluate the likelihood of experiencing exact natural hazard in the future, and an appraisal of intensity and probable level of impact.

Each natural hazard will be evaluated for three characteristics:

1. Likelihood of Occurrence, i.e., startling frequency;

2. Likely Range of Impact, i.e., predictable size and location of impact; and

3. Probable Level of Impact, i.e., estimated vigor and damage potential.

Iii. The level of severity of natural hazards will be quantified in terms of the magnitude of the occurrence as a whole (event parameter) or in terms of the result the occurrence would have at a singular location (site parameter).

Iv. For quantitative natural hazard vulnerability, some weight value has to be added to the attribute column (slope, subsurface geology, current action, wave action, meterology, wind activity etc). The values that will be given in the attribute columns could be calculated with the help of the equation 1 modeled in Gis environment.

Natural hazard = (Wgeology + Wslope + Wwind + Wmeteo + Wsiesmisivity

+ Wgeomorphology + Wetc...) (1)

Based on the above formula, natural hazard vulnerability values could be retrieved by clicking on any land parcels from the coastal zone map. Such kind of values will have no meanings for the end users. To make the result more acceptable, a cut off domain is to be created in which the resultant values will be divided into three classes: very high, high, moderate and low hazard areas
Weights Class:

Values below than 30 Low hazard Area

Values between 30-40 Moderate Hazard Area

Values between 40-50 High Hazard Area

Values between 50-60 Very High Hazard Area

V. Hazard mitigation plan is to be advanced and it will possess these five steps -

o identification of natural hazards that could impact the community,

o assessment of the community's vulnerability to natural hazards,

o assessment of the community's quality to write back to a natural disaster,

o assessment of the community's current policies and ordinances that influence hazard mitigation, and

o development of hazard mitigation strategies that can be implemented to cut time to come vulnerability.

Vi. By using all the above factors site exact models for the appraisal of natural hazard vulnerability could be generated using Gis for U.S. Coastal zone. This will serve as an input for supplementary amendment of legislation involved with U.S coastal zone.


U.S. Coastal counties possess economic gain straight through natural resources, marine trade and manufactures and economic loss straight through natural hazards, overexploitation and exponential habitancy growth. About 80 percent of the losses were by meteorological events and 10 percent were by earthquakes and volcanoes. Hence in order to minimize the loss due to natural hazard a computer based geospatial database methodology is adopted for natural hazards data retrieval and to furnish national risk appraisal data to the state and local governments. Site exact models were proposed for U.S. Coastal zone by integrating Gis software and high-resolution remote sensing to quantify the large-scale risk and vulnerability. This modeling study could also be applied to developing countries such as India, Pakistan, Srilanka etc. For the natural hazard vulnerability appraisal in their coastal zones.

Methodology For evaluation Of Natural Hazard Vulnerability In Us Using Remote Sensing

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Happiness Be Rated?

The May 7, 2007 issue of Newsweek carried an narrative by Rana Foroohar on "The Joy of Economics". The writer quotes from an in-depth explore narrative on Happiness, the goods of investigate by scientists at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Ten countries each from Denmark to Mexico, Tanzania to Russia and Egypt to India were rated respectively as "The Happiest Nations", "The Least-Happy Nations" and "Countries with the Biggest Disparity in the middle of Happy and Unhappy Citizens".

News From Armenia

The Happiest Nation, according to the Survey, was Denmark with 8.2 rating in the 0-to10 Scale. Switzerland, Austria, Iceland, Finland, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Luxembourg and Mexico did not do badly. They rated in the middle of 8.1 and 7.6.

The Least Happy Nations were Tanzania (3.2), Zimbabwe, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Bulgaria, Pakistan and Russia (4.4). Surprisingly, Pakistan, with political turmoil and instability ever since its conception, did not rate very badly. At 4.3, they were just 0.1 less happy than the Russians.

Now, the last category: "The Countries With the Biggest Disparity in the middle of Happy and Unhappy Citizens"...... Egypt topped the list, and India along with Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey were at the lowest of the list.

In the above said special narrative prepared by Rana Foroohar for the magazine, there are some attractive points which deserve some contemplation:

Wealth alone isn't necessarily what makes us happy. After a definite wage cap, we naturally don't get any happier.Rather than telling habitancy to work harder, politicians can discuss work-life balance.

The happiest countries cited in the report, i.e. The Scandinavian Countries, also rank high on their suicide rate. Surprisingly, countries rating low on the Happiness Scale, narrative fewer suicide cases. So, the query is: Can Happiness be Measured and Scaled? Can it be rated?

What is Happiness?

Can we define the word and standardize such definition for all humanity?

Prince Siddhartha leaves his palace to find happiness in the solitude of forest. His crusade for happiness ultimately leads him to meditation, to the meditative way of life. Not so with Prophet Muhammad, he found happiness in serving the society as a Statesman and a Man of God. Jesus finds happiness in the divorce of Caesar's worldly kingdom from The Heavenly Kingdom of God. Krishna is trying to originate such a kingdom in this very world. What is Happiness?

A monk is happy to live on charity. A clergy works for his living; he may even own business, certainly businesses. The Newsweek narrative shyly admits that "Wealth alone isn't necessarily what makes us happy" - the facts on the ground prove that "Wealth has No relationship Whatsoever with Happiness". The Buddhist, the Hindus, and the Christian monks, as well as the Muslim Sufi Fakirs find happiness in giving up of wealth. They may not estimate much, but when you think of their work on on the society - you will be surprised!

People have dissimilar standards, dissimilar paradigms, dissimilar conditionings and ways of thinking. And, they define "Happiness" according to their dissimilar mindsets. So, it is naturally not possible to rate happiness.

Apparently, Newsweek did realize this.

They invited the visitors to their website to vote for whether happiness could be rated or not. One could also tick the box for "I don't know". Majority agreed that happiness Could not be rated!

Indeed, Happiness Cannot be Rated.

And, that explains why "after a definite wage cap, we naturally don't get any happier". In his May 2, 2007 On-Line Report, Bbc News Home Editor Mark Easton presents very attractive facts:

"Britain is less happy than in the 1950s - despite the fact that we are three times richer. The proportion of habitancy saying they are 'very happy' has fallen from 52% in 1957 to just 36% today. The story of wealth failing to translate into extra happiness is the story of the Western world.

"In almost every industrialized country, happiness levels have remained largely static over the past 50 years - despite huge increases in income.

What the happiness investigate suggests is that once median incomes reach about £10,000 a year, extra money does not make a country any happier.

In our plan poll we asked whether the government's prime objective should be the 'greatest happiness' or the 'greatest wealth'.

A qualified 81% wanted happiness as the goal. Only 13% wanted greatest wealth.
Should schoolchildren be taught how to be happy?......(asked) whether they plan schools should put more emphasis on teaching students how to accomplish a happy personal life and less on educating them for the world of work. A majority - 52% agreed that more emphasis should be located on happiness - 43% disagreed."

Less friendly?

The poll asked whether habitancy felt their neighbourhood was more or less kindly now than it was 10 years ago. 43% said less friendly, compared to 22% of habitancy who said it was friendlier.

So what makes us happy? almost half of habitancy - 48% - say that relationships are the biggest factor in production them happy. Second is health on 24%. When we asked habitancy to select the two most leading sources of happiness in their lives, out of 1001 habitancy only 77 habitancy said work fulfilment

According to the science of happiness, friends are crucial to our well-being. Yet according to our plan poll, most of us speak to only a small estimate of close friends every week. Six out of 10 habitancy spoke to five friends or fewer each week. Two out of 10 spoke to only one or two friends. And one someone in 25 talked to no friends at all.


We also asked habitancy to say, in their own words, what happiness meant to them. according to analysis by Ilona Boniwell, a psychologist at Oxford Brooke's University, most people's definition complex family and friends.

But the results threw up a surprise. The second largest group of responses centered nearby contentment and inner peace.

It does appear that many people's happiness is about escaping the stress and pace of contemporary life.

So, most of the habitancy connected Happiness with Relation, Contentment and Inner Peace. We can safely terminate that Happiness is not material well being. It is the Emotional and reasoning Well Being. Moreover, when we talk of "Inner Peace" and not just "Peace" - we are already on the periphery of Spirituality.

I remember a meeting at the office of one of country's high officials, attended by a handful of "the chosen ones". habitancy carefully as the cream of society. For whatever reason, yours truly was included in the list. We were invited to do some brain-storming and find solutions for discrete problems faced by the nation. I am talking about Indonesia.

Most of the dignitaries present somehow connected all the problems with material well being. One of them went so far to say that, "Once the stomachs are filled, all our problems are solved. We can get our habitancy to do whatever for the state."

What a view, what an opinion!

And no-one objected to it, with the irregularity of yours truly. Then, after I presented my thoughts and offered some solutions - a dignified old lady, instructor by profession, came forward to second me. Just two of us could certainly see that "Happiness was not Material". That was a join of years back - back in 2005.

Interestingly, most of the dignitaries present had a narrative of attending one of nation's leading motivators who speaks on "non material well being" of individual. In fact, quite a few of them were part of the motivators organization and training program. What a tragedy!

The motivator himself, although speaking on non-material, rather spiritual well being, apparently cannot recognize true joy and happiness connected to the spirit. He cannot differentiate them from the sensory satisfaction and corporal comfort. Mind you, he is not alone. With him stand some of our finest brains. What a tragedy!

Matter or money specifically, is compared to a pair of shoes by my Guru: "You cannot wear them if they are very loose or very tight. They should be fitting, just the right size". Just enough is right. The latest explore narrative cited by Bbc News Editor endorses this view.

Coming back to the most leading factors connected with Happiness - Relation, Contentment and Inner Peace - each of the Trio respectively represents one layer of our Consciousness.

Relation is connected with the Emotional Layer. Contentment is the succeed of sane reasoning. It is the blossoming of our Faculty of Discrimination, and that is part of the Layer of Intelligence. Here, I detach brain from Intellectuality. A man of letters, a master with a mile long list of degrees after his name, is maybe intellectual. But, he may not have an inkling of what brain is. brain is a matter of soul. It goes beyond bookish knowledge. It is the possible Knowingness. It is the inborn, possible knowledge of an infant, by which it finds the nipple of its mother.

Knowledge alone cannot make you content. It is the Knowingness that knowledge is not all and that it cannot make you article - that makes one content. This Knowingness is certainly Intelligence.

Knowledge and Intellect tend to work with facts. They need proofs. Knowingness or brain works with truth - The Truth. It does not need any proof. It is a proof unto itself. It is the Instincts in Animals, and the Intuition in Humans.

Third leading factor in securing Happiness is Inner Peace. And, this is an "all soul affair". This is the periphery of our Spiritual Layer. One more step, and you enter the realm of Pure Spirituality, where Happiness turns into Bliss. In the language of our old seers - it is The Aananda. This Aananda is certainly what all of us are striving for, knowingly or unknowingly, wittingly or unwittingly.

Indeed in our relation with the world and in our sense of contentment and inner peace - it is certainly the Pure Bliss or Aananda that we are seeing for. Our crusade can only end when we attain to that consummate state of Total and excellent Well Being - where even imperfections are so perfectly imperfect that you cannot differentiate them from The Perfection.

This state of consummate Bliss or Aananda cannot be described in words. It can be realized in the spirit. And, such realization alone can make us truly happy!

When a man or a woman of such realization comes down from his or her spiritual heights, we have a Gandhi, a Martin Luther King, Jr, a mother Theresa, and a Sukarno. Even today we have such men and women nearby us. Alas, my country, my nation, my habitancy do not recognize them. What greater tragedy can befall a country where the children of spirit, where the habitancy with realization are not honored!

We need Newsweek and Bbc to open our eyes. We need World Bank and International Monetary Fund to help us out of economic accident of our own making. We need the Middle East to teach us culture, economics, even dress code. The latest is in the field of agriculture - I hear the Communist China will be sending their farmers to teach our farmers how to cultivate our land.

There are Happy Nations and Least Happy Nations, and there are Countries with the Biggest Disparity in the middle of Happy and Unhappy Citizens..... I went straight through all the three lists, and tried to find my country, my nation. It was not mentioned in any of the lists. Where are we? Where do we stand? How are we faring?

Happiness cannot be rated, yes.

Happiness is not even the Last Frontier; there is still the State of consummate Bliss or Aananda - yes. But, how can we ever accomplish that state if we have not even tasted happiness?

Far from being a happy nation, my country may not even know the meaning of happiness. We are happy when a clergy intimidates us with hellfire and we shed tears out of fear. We are happy to see a bunch of hooligans hijacking the whole nation in the name of religion.

Wake up my country, my nation!

Wake up my brothers, my sisters, my countrymen and women; wake up to gain your place in the civilization of the day. You have had some very happy moments in the past, but a much happier life awaits you in future. Wake up to that future, that starts now, this very moment. Fill this day with happiness, so your tomorrows can be happy too!

The lessons that West is just learning come from you.

You have inherited those lessons from your ancestors, from your seers and sages, from your men and women of wisdom, from your long history in the past. Whenever you neglected those lessons, whenever you rejected the local wisdom - you lost your dignity. You were chained and enslaved by the foreigners. Allow not that history of shame repeat itself, wake up.

Can Happiness Be Rated?

My Links : todays world news headlines

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gurdjieff Movements: Peak of Alertness Both corporeal and reasoning

To know something about Gurdjieff Movements, it is first pertinent to know about Gurdjieff who created them. George Gurdjieff was an enlightened master born in Armenia in 1866. From an early age, he started to inquire the purpose of life, the creation of the universe and other such esoteric topics. At the age of 20, he set out on a journey lasting 20 years to the exotic lands of Central Asia, Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan, Tibet, India and other countries to visit spiritual places and people.

On his return to Russia in 1912, he began giving lectures, attracting admirers and followers and created 'sacred dances' but rather movements in a correct order. He explained them as having a unavoidable meaning underground below the outward form. His pupil and chronicler, P. D. Ouspensky, in his book, 'In quest of the Miraculous' quotes the master as, "There is something like the planets of the solar system in these dances. Each planet is at a unavoidable length from the sun and when the system starts, the spheres begin to move along prescribed paths reproducing the laws which govern the movements of the planets. There is something like this in the rhythm of unavoidable dances."

News From Armenia

You have to be at the peak of your alertness, both bodily and mental, when you take part in Gurdjieff Movements. Seemingly simple, they require an agile body and a hyperactive mind as they are very correct and strictly corollary a fixed sequence. They look easy but are not, as it takes some time to get into the groove to accomplish them accurately. They break all fixed patterns of your body and mind. They originate a space where the body, heart and activity can advance in lightness. As one goes deeper into these movements, one reaches a still, a silent point amid all the activity. In all the activity outside, one reaches the non-action inside at the centre. This touch is called 'Presence.' It is said that Gurdjieff would come to these dances, keep his eyes complete and direct the dancers to turn their movements as he wanted because they were so attuned to him. Even today, it is inherent for some groups to start these movements without music in perfect harmony with each other for over 15 minutes, while totally blindfolded!

A dancer, a dance-teacher, a dance-therapist, a choreographer, Ma Prem Amiyo and Swami Chetan, both Osho disciples, escort workshops on Gurdjieff Movements in many parts of the world for over 30 years now. After finding a film about Gurdjieff called 'Meetings with suited Men', Osho observed that there was nothing suited about the film except the last ten minutes showing these movements. He asked Ma Amiyo to study them for three days. She viewed those ten-minute clips non-stop for three days and then Osho told her to lead a group on Gurdjieff Movements! Since then, she has never looked back and conducts these groups in many parts of the world and opened her school in Alsace, France. For participants, finding stillness amid all this activity is a unique experience.

Gurdjieff Movements: Peak of Alertness Both corporeal and reasoning

Related : todays world news headlines

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Noah and the Ark

They try to tell me that Noah's ark is placed at about 17,000 foot elevation on Mt. Ararat. They also try to imply it took 120 years to built the ark.

Well, guess what I discovered. The ark came to rest on the mountains (plural) of Ararat. (Gen. 8:4) All the lower hills surrounding Mt. Ararat are called the "mountains" of Ararat.

News From Armenia

The dove Noah had sent out, returned with an olive subject in its beak. Beside a dove being a very short distance flyer, olive trees only grow at sea level.

Noah had one or more pair of every kind of animal on the ark. How would sheep, cows, camels and most any other animal find their way down from a place we can not even entrance today with all our advanced equipment and technology?

There is a city in Armenia called Naxuana or Nakhichevan, which claims Noah's tomb. The name means "here Noah settled." In reference to the arks' location, Berosus the Chaldean said a part of the ship was still in Armenia and citizen were taking pieces for amulets to avert mischief.

Nicolaus of Damascus made mention: "the remains of the timber were a great while preserved". Josephus said, many who fled to Mt Baris at the time of the Deluge were saved. (Antiquities of the Jews, book 1, 3:6) These accounts place the ark within entrance of people, and the Flood was regional.

Here is some other information I uncovered. The Bible does not say it took 120 years to build the ark. There is a verse that says, "The Lord said His Spirit shall not always strive with man...His days shall be 120 years". (Gen. 6:3)

Noah did not begin to have children until he was 500 years old. (Gen. 5:32) When Noah was told to build the ark, his sons were already grown and married. (Gen. 6:10, 18) The Bible does not tell us how long it took to build the ark.

If he started construction after his sons were grown and married, then sailed when he was 600, it took less than 100 years. The antique Jewish book of Jasher says it took about 5 years. This may be the only other information regarding how long it unmistakably took to build the ark.

Here is an involving side note about the longest lived someone on record. Methuselah, who's name means (when he dies, judgment; or when he is dead, it will come), seems to have died the year the flood started.
When Methuselah was 187, he begat Lamech. When Lamech was 182 he begat Noah. (Gen. 5:22, 28) If Methuselah was 369 years old when Noah was born, and the flood came when Noah was 600, that's 969 years! (Gen. 7:6)

Here is something else citizen normally are not aware of. Noah took seven pair of every beast that was clean, seven pair of birds of the air and one pair of the animals that are "not clean". (Gen. 7:2, 3) There is a exact meaning here that is ordinarily overlooked.

The term "not clean" has nothing to do with the term "unclean" in the food laws dictated by the Torah (Law of Moses). This was centuries before Moses and before the Torah was even written.

The term "not clean" in this tube meant "unsuitable for sacrifice". The only five standard sacrifices mentioned in the Bible are sheep, goats, cattle, pigeons and doves.

Remember, a year after the flood, every involving thing that lives was standard for food as long as the blood was drained. (Gen. 9:3, 4) It would be centuries later when the unclean food laws would be instituted in the wilderness.

Noah and the Ark

Tags : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lung Cancer and Smoking

According to the American Cancer Society, today, lung cancer is the prominent cause of cancer-related deaths in women. In 2006, an estimated 162,460 deaths resulted from lung cancer, and of those deaths, an estimated 79,560 of those were women. At first glance, the numbers might not seem so alarming., but what is alarming is the fact that "between 1960 and 1990, deaths from lung cancer among women increased by more than 400%" ( Do you need a moment to dispell those statistics? I know I did.

In addition, to being the prominent cause of cancer-related death for women, the National Cancer Institutes reports that the thinkable, 5-year survival rate for all patients in whom lung cancer is diagnosed is 15.5 percent compared to 64.8 percent for colon, 89 percent for breast and 99.9 percent for prostate cancer. Further, about 6 out of 10 people with lung cancer die within 1 year of being diagnosed with the disease (Lungusa).

News From Armenia

After reading the data, I did some research to find the cause of such high incidences of lung cancer overall, and particularly, in women. Studies show that while lung cancer can be caused by a collection of factors, along with asbestos and environmental pollution, smoking is the prominent cause of lung cancer in the United States, with an estimated 90 percent of lung cancer cases caused by smoking. 5 What that means, is that 90 percent of lung cancer cases are preventable; and in 2006, of the 79,560 women that died, 71,685 of those deaths were senseless.

To make the numbers understandable from a layman's point of view, what they collate to is this: more people have died from smoking in one year than there were American military casualties in Iraq since the war started in 2003, and more than were murdered in the United States in 2005.

Hence, it begs to be considered that if lung cancer is preventable, why do over 1.1 billion people, over 1/6 of the world's total people choose to smoke and ingest harmful tobacco products? This includes 33% of the African population; 57% of the people in the United States; 72% of Europeans; 48% of Southeast Asians, 39% of Eastern Mediterraneans; and 68% of people in Western Pacific nations (World Heath Organization, 2000 estimates).

The sass in short is addiction.

With this in mind, I struck out to learn more about the history of the cigarette. I was in for quite an education. also providing you with a history of the cigarette, this description will also educate you on what lung cancer does to your body, steps you can take to prevent it, methods of screening, and resources. Hopefully, what you learn in the following pages will enable you to make a decision that could save a life.

History of the Cigarette

The original ingredient in a cigarette is tobacco. Tobacco in cigarettes is regularly a blend of any types of the tobacco leaf, which have the succeed of euphoria on the nervous system. Tar, a by-product of the cigarette, is produced when the cigarette is lit. Nicotine is also part of the make up of the tobacco leaf. When a cigarette is lit and the smoke inhaled, nicotine moves into the blood vessels of the mucous membranes, skin and lungs, and then directly to your brain [within seconds], increasing adrenaline production, stimulating neurons in the brain that cause "good" feelings, which encourage a someone to want to repeat the activity that caused that feeling (addiction), further stimulating the production and publish of endorphins, which cause feelings of euphoria. (

Man has been using the tobacco stock for thousands of years. Native Americans smoked prior to the coming of European explores; and the practice is even depicted in early Mayan art dating back to 1,500 years ago, when tobacco was also used as a healthful antidote. In the 16th century, smoking was tasteless mostly among sailors. The cigar later became popular in England in the 1820s. The cigarette soon appeared in Spain. during World War I, tobacco products were included in military rations. After the war, manufacturers began advertising cigarette smoking as glamorous, and the rest, as they say is history (Wikipedia).

When manufacturers recognized the marketability of the cigarette, they became interested in studying how to get more people to smoke. Advertising was one way. The other way was to consist of additives that made cigarette smoking less harsh, more tasty...and more addictive. Today, there are over 599 known additives in cigarettes that have been approved by the United States (U.S.) Government. What most people don't know is that while some of these additives are safe and can be found in everyday foods, others are very hazardous when ingested and when burned, these additives yield chemical compounds that are toxic.

Some of the additives included in cigarettes are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, formaldehyde and hydrazine, among others. These harsh chemicals have no natural place in a human body, and even to a layman, it is definite that these products would be harmful when ingested. Carbon monoxide, for example, a poisonous gas found in car exhaust smoke, when inhaled, can cause fatigue, nausea, disorientation and chest pains. Hydrogen cyanide is used to make fibers, plastics, dyes, pesticides and under the name of Zyklon B, was used as a genocidal agent in World War I. Ammonia is a household cleaner which causes skin, eye, nose, throat and lung irritation. Formaldehyde is used to make construction materials and to reserve dead bodies. It causes watery eyes, burning of the eyes, nose and throat, coughing, wheezing and skin irritation. Together with the other additives in a cigarette, each time a smoker lights up and inhales, they are inhaling a "cocktail" of carcinogens, creating a multitude of illnesses in their bodies and speeding up death. At the same time, because the physiological and psychological rewards are so immediate, most smokers, after just one cigarette, are on their way to addiction. Nowadays, cigarettes can be found pretty much everywhere, at neighborhood grocery stores, gas stations, road vendors and even on-line.

Seizing on the lucrative enterprise of addiction, cigarette manufacturers yield practically 5.5 trillion cigarettes globally each year. China, the United States, Russia, and Japan-the four largest producers-manufacture just over half of the world's supply. In 2004, China produced 1.79 trillion cigarettes, 32 percent of the global total. The United States produced 499 billion, 9 percent of the total. ([])

There are billions of dollars spent every year to target current smokers and recruit new ones. according to the World health assosication (Who), major manufacturers like China National Tobacco enterprise (China), Altria Group, Inc., (previously Phillip Morris Companies) (Usa), British American Tobacco Plc (Uk), Japan Tobacco (Japan), R J. Reynolds Tobacco (Usa), Reemtsman (Germany), Altadis (France and Spain), among others, spend a lot of money to store tobacco. The United States alone spends over billion dollars. This includes promotional funds to retailers to expedite the sales.

This marketing is targeted at adults and youth alike, particularly preying on the naiveté', rebelliousness, experimentive nature of young adults. Cigarette brands like Virginia Slims and Capri's designs request for retrial to young women, wanting to look more mature, feminine or sexy; and the Joe Camel and the Marlboro man entice young boys who want to look cool, tough and grown up. Cigarette manufacturers went so far as to give cigarettes names that would request for retrial to younger people. After public outcry from advocacy groups, this year, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., in particular, agreed to stop using candy, fruit and alcohol names for flavored cigarettes that might request for retrial to children, The enterprise was using names such as Twista Lime", "Warm Winter Toffee" and "Winter MochaMint.

In the 21st century, the marketing efforts to target youth has evidently stepped up, showing the tenacity of the tobacco manufacturers in retaining what could be their most loyal customers, in spite of over 40 years of opposition from both public and hidden segments. In the late 1960's, attempts to curb teenage exposure to cigarette advertising began with the banning of television and radio ads. [However]...the proportion of high school students who smoked rose from 27.5 percent in 1991 to a peak of 36.4 percent in 1997 before drifting back to 28.0 percent in 2000). This increase...was among the factors that prompted a reexamination of regulatory policy, culminating in the November 1998 master village agreement (Msa), signed by tobacco manufacturers and forty-six states' attorneys general, prohibits tobacco manufacturers from taking "any action, directly or indirectly, to target Youth within any Settling State in the advertising, promotion or marketing of Tobacco Products." As a blanket youth-targeting ban, this provision applies to all types of advertising, along with transit ads, billboards, and magazines (Healthaffairs). Today, in most countries, there are age limit restrictions on the buy of cigarettes by youth.

As awareness of the health-related disadvantages of smoking and other tobacco products came to the forefront of public consciousness, the public has seen more airing of advertisements, public aid announcements, smoking study awareness campaigns, lobbying for smoke free movies and the passing of no-smoking laws in definite building, states and even countries. In countries over the world, like Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Cuba, France, India, Lithuania, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Turkey, smoking is banned in definite public places or workplaces. As always, the cigarette manufacturers are trying to find ways to use even the advertising for non-smoking to their advantage, with large cigarette vendors hiring public relations firms to help them generate soft marketing, "non-smoking" ads that would draw in more smokers.

In addition, in order to counter the loss in profits from the bans against smoking and public outcry in the 1980's in the United States and other countries, more aggressive marketing is done on the continents of Asia and Africa, where cigarettes are marketed in television, radio and print advertising, at schools, sports and music events, and even more subtly, in the form of sponsorship at charitable events. Still, there are thousands of organizations working to ban smoking, educate youth and adults about smoking and health associated issues, like lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease among other diseases.

What Lung Cancer Does To Your Body

While all the advertising inundates the public with images of how "sexy" smoking is supposed to be, what they don't show is the ugly side of smoking, how it stains, erodes and damages your teeth, taste buds, throat, esophagus, lungs and inevitably, threatens your life. Granted, not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer and dies; however, it is proven that cigarettes do lead to lung cancer.

Lung cancer occurs when cells start to grow uncontrollably in a random fashion, causing tumors in the bronchial tubes, mucous glands, and near the air sacs and exterior of the lungs. These tumors grow rapidly into larger tumors and can finally spread throughout the body and into the chest, bones, spine or other organs. The more rampant the cancer in a body, the higher opening one has of manifold tumors, organ failure; and, a lesser opening for survival.

Lung Cancer Prevention/Detection/Screening/Treatment

One can take any steps to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. First, if you are a non-smoker, promise yourself that you will never pick up a cigarette. Secondly, avoid inhaling second-hand smoke. Also, since lung cancer can also be caused by toxins in the environment, like radon gas and asbestos, it is prominent to be aware of their existence, and to avoid exposure.

For people who have a history of lung cancer in their families, lung cancer can be detected by screening via x-rays, Ct scans, biopsies, testing of coughed up mucus, and blood tests. Lung cancer, in its early stages has no noticeable symptoms; however, as it progresses, lumps, coughing, blood-stained phlegm, breathlessness, chest pain, recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis, weight loss and fatigue can occur.

According to, there is currently no approved screening test for lung cancer that has been proven to improve survival or detect localized disease. However, there are many studies under way to find an standard screening tool. If detected early, lung cancer can be treated, depending on the type and extent of the cancer. In instances where the cancer is localized in the lung, surgery can take off the tumors. When the cancer has spread beyond the chest, chemotherapy and radiation are used as treatment. Some patients can even elect to have lung transplants, where the diseased lung is supplanted by a salutary one.


For those trying to quit, the good news is that there are a myriad of resources, nationally and internationally, to help people quit. International agencies like the Environmental security department (Epa) and the World health assosication (Who) have thorough data and resources on their websites to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. In 1998, Who established the Tobacco Free Initiative (Tfi), which is dedicated to framing global tobacco procedure and focusing international resources on the global tobacco epidemic.

The American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, and are among the many organizations that provide information, study and resources to help smokers quit. There are telephone, on-line, group and one-on-one reserve groups, government and community funded that provide counseling. Some people use and therapy, assorted medications, along with the patch, hypnosis and nicotine pills to sustain them in quitting.

One of the most prominent factors in quitting and sticking to it is having a strong reserve system. If you are trying to quit or help someone to quit, keep in mind that cigarette smoking is very addictive and that people trying to quit can taste anxiety, depression and irritability, as they crave the nicotine their body has become accustomed to ingesting. Because of how addictive nicotine is, some people give up quitting or taste relapses in smoking after only a short time. Thus, it is very prominent to get lots of reserve from family and friends, since they can provide reminders of the benefits to quitting.

Other Risks

Besides the risk of getting lung cancer, there are a multitude other health associated illnesses that can make due to smoking, along with heart strike and stroke, blood pressure, respiratory diseases, cancer in other parts of the body and cardiovascular diseases. people who smoke also put others nearby them at risk. Women who smoke give birth to babies with lower birth rates, children of parents who smoke can make respiratory illnesses and people who inhale second-hand smoke have a higher risk of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related disease. (National Cancer Institute).

Then, there is the economic downside to smoking. according to, tobacco creates "...hugely increased healthcare costs...diversion of agricultural land that could grow food, the costs of fires and damage to buildings caused by careless smokers, the resulting increase in assurance premiums, laborer absenteeism, decrease in laborer productivity...widespread environmental costs due to large-scale deforestation...pollution, and the millions of discarded butts and cigarette packaging that litter streets and waterways ("

In the Usa, between 1997 and 2001, tobacco smoking resulted in billion of yearly productivity losses; worldwide, smoking accounted for 10% of fire deaths, the total [number of people] killed by fires caused by smoking [was] 300,000 and the total cost of fires caused by smoking was billion. In 2003, cigarette litter accounted for 34% of the trash collected along the world's coasts; every year, children start 1,000,000 fires using lighters, and as of 2005, the economic costs to the cheaper healthcare included was upwards of 0 billion dollars (

Benefits of Not Smoking

On the upside, there are a myriad of benefits to quitting smoking. You can prevent health associated illnesses like emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer by never smoking or quitting smoking as soon as possible. Quitting as soon as potential can improve the potential and longevity of your life. according to the National Cancer Institute, there are practically instant health improvements when a someone quits smoking. "Within just a few days of quitting, a person's sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes easier; blood pressure, which becomes elevated while smoking, begins to return to normal. research has shown that people who stop smoking before the age of 35 sell out their risk of developing a tobacco-related disease by 90%, but older smokers can also benefit greatly from quitting. Even smokers who quit after being diagnosed with a smoking-related illness sell out their risk of medical complications and of dying from a tobacco-related disease".

The key thing that I want to leave with you is this. Your life is in your hands - literally. You are in control. Smoking, as addictive as it may be, is a choice. Every time a smoker lights up a cigarette and inhales, that private is making a conscious decision to harm his/her body; and every time the smoker exhales the cigarette smoke, he/she is harming others and the environment.

Lung Cancer and Smoking

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