
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

A Series Overview

"Teaching English in Colombia" will be a series of about 20 to 25 articles. The focus will be on providing prospective Tefl English teachers with a flavor for each of the major city areas, along with adequate starting data to at least give them some idea about what each of the locations has to offer. Since many may be foreign nationals, it is assumed that data like local specialty foods, drinks and living conditions will be of some value, although I'm taking care not to furnish too much data that might "date" the material, as this would render the work nearly useless in a relatively short time.

News From Armenia

Not intended to be an all-inclusive work either, we will naturally present the basics for each city area with adequate to go on to make perceive and/or an investigative visit of even additional value. Where to go, how to get there and major Efl schools / institutes that could be contacted in progress to ascertain interest are in case,granted for each city / area. For hotels, restaurants and other travel - tourism specifics, candidates should consult the most up-to-date Colombia travel guide book they can get in English or Spanish.

Important Features

A few foremost features contained in this series include:

o 3 to 5 area-related photos: Historic / traveler sites, schools, interviewees, parks

o An opening scene which is designed to feature some facet of local everyday life

o City / area features: population, location, critical manufactures / products

o Commentary on local extra events, holidays, celebrations, festivals

o Historical data/ cultural aspects that may be of some relevance in day-to-day living

o Food & drink specialties of each region

o A one-page List of Schools and Institutions with Tefl teachers on staff

Note: The online article-marketing published page differs from the market E-book or narrative in that the article-marketing piece will Not have photos, graphics, illustrations, be more than two pages long or have more than one page of school / create listings with descriptions and / or reviews.

Each narrative or E-book chapter will information one city area only. When a location warrants hold for additional listings and other criteria, a Part 2, Part 3, etc. Will be added as subsequent chapters. The cities planned to be elaborated on in this narrative series are:

City Area Articles / Chapters

1. Cali - Capitol of Salsa Music

2. Bogota - A Capitol City in the Clouds

3. Medellín - City of Eternal Spring

4. Pasto - In the Shadow of Galeras Volcano

5. Pereira - The Growing Heart of the Coffee Region

6. Armenia - The Coffee Region's enterprise Central

7. Manizales - Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold

8. Popayán - The White City

9. Buenaventura - Colombia's Pacific Coast Pearl

10. Cucuta - A Sun-drenched Frontier Town

11. Bucaramanga - The City of Parks

12. Ibagué - If You Want to Meet Juan Valdez ...

13. Neiva - Pride of the Opitas

14. Cartagena - Caribbean Jewel of Colombia

15. Barranquilla - always a Carnival

16. Quibdo - In the Steamy Heart of the Choco

17. Monteria - town of Colombia's Nickel-Mining Empire

18. Villavicencio

19. Florencia - Orchid City of the Amazon

20. Colombia: An Overview

Summary / Conclusion

The summary will offer a concise round-up of features, benefits and "caveats" presented for the city / area, allowing the prospective Tefl expert to have a balanced view of each of the locations. Alas, we do not live in a exquisite world. Each location will have its own items on the minus side of the ledger. While I have made every endeavor to be as object as possible, I am human. As such, there are areas I like more than others. There are schools I like more than others too, although I will endeavor to keep my personal prejudices out of the way as much as practically possible. This should aid you in making up your own mind. In fact, you should check all data for yourself as much of it is branch to convert straight through the fault of nobody in particular.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch has taught English as a Foreign Language in Colombia since 1995 and is the author of "Living in Colombia: A Practical Guide", "Teaching English in Colombia: A Guide for Tefl Professionals" and "Insights on English Language Teaching: What Tefl Teachers Need to Know". E-mail him at: for more information.

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

Visit : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jesus Is estimate 1

You might be well-known with the term day-trader. A day-trader is a high-risk investor who jumps in and out of the stock ticket often many times a day to take benefit of small price changes. Day traders usually do not have any interest in the clubs whose stock they are buying. These citizen are simply trying to catch stocks that they think are going to rise in value and then they will sell and go looking for other quick-pick opportunities.

There are other investors who have come to be known as "dot-com" investors. They look for Internet companies, especially those with "dot-com" at the end of their names. They spend a exiguous time researching the firms who have these stocks and they buy them on a marginal basis and sell them as soon as the price increases.

News From Armenia

Within the church there are some citizen who can be called day traders and dot-com investors. They know a exiguous about God in reality and many think that they can buy a small share of without first investigating Jesus' claim to being Lord over all of their lives.

At this point in Luke's Gospel, Jesus has attracted a large following. He was so favorite that, like a rock star, groupies began to gather. They had heard of his preaching, teaching and healing. They wanted to get close to him and feel his unusual energy. Some even idea that he would be a military-type person who would drive out the Roman army and return Israel to the glory days of the reign of King David. They were mental to themselves, "Oh boy! Happy days are here again!", but oh boy, were they in for a big surprise!

Jesus quickly dashed their hopes. He knew what his true mission was and what the cost would be. He asked them to consider the cost of following him, and he asks us the same interrogate today. Jesus calls for an exclusive commitment from us. all else in our lives must take a back seat. This is similar to what I was told when I joined the Mersey Band over 30 years ago. At that time, I was told by the bandmaster that my priorities were to be work or school first, house second, the band third and then all else. Now, for some members all else takes priority over the band. We must be ready to leave all else behind and result him when he calls us, just like the disciples did when Jesus called them. Faith frees us from those things which keep us from the genuine joy of following Christ.

Moses said the same thing in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 just before he died, and just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. He was involved that their descendants clearly knew what was in store for them. They had a selection to make: obey God and be blessed, or disobey God and be punished.

Jesus gives us the same selection today. Our decision has a cost. If we disobey God, we will be punished by eternal damnation. If we obey God, we will be rewarded by Him, but we could be punished by our world today. We may suffer rejection or discrimination. Some of our friends and/or house members may shun us. We must categorically ask ourselves if we are ready to pay the cost.

Today, as it was in Jesus' time, he has many followers, but few disciples. For example, look at any church report of attendance or stewardship of time, talent and substance. What is the percentage of those who put Jesus first? There are still many citizen who seek the blessings but they are either not counting the cost or are not willing to pay it. In other words, they want the benefits but they do not want to pay the costs. Such citizen seek the cheap "no commitment" blessings he does not offer. Such seeking ends in dissatisfaction and disillusionment. That's why lots of his followers get discouraged with him in our day, just as they did in his day.

The dangers of being Christian in a violent world have not passed. Recently a group of healing aid workers in Afghanistan were executed by the Taliban, the reckon being that they supposedly had proselytizing materials in their possession. All of the victims were associated with the International aid Mission, a Christian assosication which in case,granted humanitarian relief and aid in Afghanistan for decades. The Taliban claimed they were killed as Western spies who were preaching Christianity; however, protection soldiery in Afghanistan said robbery was the probable motive.

Jesus knew that just as he would be rejected, abused and killed by the world, that his disciples would also face ultimate hostility and hatred. Here are the fates of his traditional disciples:

1. James, the brother of Jesus, and James, the son of Zebedee, were killed by mobs in Jerusalem.
2. Matthew was run through with a sword in Ethiopia.
3. Philip was hanged in Greece.
4. Bartholomew was flayed alive in Armenia. In other words, his skin was stripped off of his body by whipping.
5. Andrew was crucified in Achaia and Thomas was killed with a lance in east India.
6. Thaddeus was slain with arrows and Simon the Zealot was crucified by the Persians.
7. Peter was crucified upside down by the Romans.
8. John died alone on the island of Patmos.

Greatness means there is a price to be paid. It always has meant that and always will mean that. Jesus knew that if his disciples could reject the earthly ties that bound them to human allegiances and loyalties first and foremost, then they could focus their faith and draw their compel from God's power, love and kingdom.

Some of you may have heard of a Baptist clergyman by the name of Dr. Charles F. Stanley. He is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and the president of In Touch Ministries. His church services are televised worldwide on the schedule "In Touch. He is also a world-renowned author. In fact, the Charles F. Stanley Life ideas Bible is one of the many resources that I use when preparation my sermons. His motto is "Obey God, and leave all the consequences to him". What this means is that if we pick to result Christ, God will give us the compel and courage to face the consequences of our decision-both safe bet and negative. God will give us the courage to face adversity.

Our decision to result Christ will involve huge sacrifices and the spending of vast amounts of energy and resources on serving our fellow man. This has been done by commonplace people. After all, God uses commonplace citizen to do astonishing things. Jesus' disciples were commonplace citizen ranging from fishermen to a tax collector. God used Billy Graham, a farm boy from North Carolina, to originate one of the many spiritual revivals on the 20th century. God uses Billy's son Franklin to ease the suffering of humanity through his work with the Christian relief assosication Samaritan's Purse. Billy Graham recently said that he feels called by God to preach again at the age of ninety, even if it is for one last time. Closer to home, God uses me and other volunteers, some of whom are from our own parish, to help ease poverty through the local food bank, which was started in the 1980s by the now-defunct local connection of churches. God uses our rector to ease the plight of sailors on ocean-going vessels through his work with the Missions to Seafarers in the Port of Liverpool and Brooklyn.

There is a movement abroad today by citizen who want a very separate kind of Christ. This movement is called the Prosperity Gospel. Supporters of the Prosperity Gospel emphasize that Christ wants to make his followers wealthy. A billboard for a revival by evangelist Benny Hinn promised "Business Breakthrough: special Prayers for Your enterprise & Finances." The Prosperity Gospel is a movement that started in the United States and has spread throughout the world. citizen find it provocative because it promises material rewards for discipleship. It tells them that Jesus will make them wealthy, But Jesus said, "None of you can come to be my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions." What he meant is that we cannot be his disciples if we allow the God-space at the centre of our lives to fill up with the love of money or material goods.

Jesus does not promise that our walk of faith will be easy. To paraphrase the title of a song recorded by Loretta Lynn, Jesus never promised us a rose orchad here on earth. In fact, he makes it quite clear that there will be a cost. At this point in Luke's Gospel, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, and he knows that when he gets there he will be arrested, tried and crucified-a sacrifice that he has to make so that we can be restored to a connection with God. Now God is not calling us to make this kind of sacrifice like Christians in the Third World often have to do. He is also not calling us to sell all we have and lead a life of a travelling missionary, although some great souls such as mother Theresa have done that in the past. Most of us have far too many responsibilities to do that, but we can take some small steps in that direction. We can do things such as donating extra clothes or furniture that we don't need to the poor or by donating time and money to help the less fortunate in our community. For example, the local food bank has seen the interrogate for its services growth at a faster rate than the growth in donations. The situation has reached the point where the food bank has roughly run out of money and has had to discourage citizen from using the food bank.

Jesus calls on us to look again at those community sees as "outcasts" and see them as valued members of society. He himself was carefully by many people, especially the Pharisees and Sadducees, as an "outcast'. His life and death located him with the outcasts. Those who believe in him and his life, death and resurrection are often carefully by our community to be outcasts because they, like Jesus, pick to go against society's rules.

When Jesus said that we must "hate father and mother", he was talking figuratively, not literally. Good thing, because that would mean disobeying the commandment to honour our parents-a commandment that I take seriously especially with my dear, sweet mother (and especially if I want to continue living at home!). As I mentioned earlier, what Jesus means is that we must have a secondary attachment to all in our lives except Jesus. He must be our whole one priority. Even then, there will be times when we will have to make choices that put our discipleship in the line. There will be times where we will have to say "No" to what seems to be alternative or easier ways of doing things. There will be times where we will be tempted like Christ was when he was in the wilderness. Following Christ is not a certify of a conflict-free life. In fact, Jesus was quite capable of blistering verbal assaults and even violence when he drove the money-changers out of the temple. In the words of normal Dwight Eisenhower when he addressed the soldiery on the eve of the D-Day invasion in World War Ii, "There will be no victories at bargain-basement prices".

The most predominant book on the meaning of discipleship, which is entitled "The Cost of Discipleship", was written in the 1930s by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was a German pastor and theologian who tried to lead his church in resistance to the Nazis and was martyred in 1945 at the Flossenberg concentration camp for his part in a conspiracy to murder Adolph Hitler. Bonhoeffer wrote these words in the book, "Where will the call to discipleship lead those who result it? What decisions and painful separations will it entail? We must take this interrogate to him alone who knows the answer. Only Jesus Christ, who bids us result him, knows where the path will lead. But we know that it will be a path full of mercy beyond measure. Discipleship is joy."

Jesus does not promise us material wealth if we result him, but he promises us a wealth beyond anything we can dream of in terms of material goods. His wealth is the wealth of the Holy Spirit and the wealth of heaven. God and Christ are willing to share this wealth with us. There is a hymn in the tasteless Praise hymnbook entitled, "Will You Come and result Me". All we have to do to receive Christ's wealth is to say "Yes" and result him in faith. As a result, our earthly journey may be hard, but when we get to heaven, we will find that the streets of gold are waiting for us-and they don't have any potholes either!

Jesus Is estimate 1

See Also : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ammonia For energy storehouse

Fossil fuels, hydrogen, and ammonia are all just power vehicle means. These materials are not a "source" of energy... They are all made from available power sources and laid out a viable means of transporting power which I will refer to as a "fuel".

For applications such as transportation, a high power density fuel is required which can actually be handled. While hydrogen may be employed by community as a means of storing and transporting energy, the technology is in its infancy and is not yet commercially viable.

News From Armenia

One alternative "fuel" which is immediately available is ammonia, Nh3. Ammonia is regularly a gas with a characteristically pungent odor. Ammonia is commonly used as fertilizer. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and risky just as gasoline is. In 2006, worldwide production was estimated at 146.5 M tonnes.

Ammonia, as used commercially, is often called anhydrous ammonia. This term emphasizes the absence of water in the material. It can be handled in ways similar to gasoline and can be burned using fairly thorough internal combustion engine technology. Ammonia continues to be used as a refrigerant in commercial processes such as bulk ice-making and commercial food processing. It is increasingly favorite in commercial applications, such as in grocery store freezer cases and refrigerated displays.

To make ammonia, all we need is a source of power such as solar or wind power, nitrogen from the air, and water. Storehouse and handling technologies for ammonia is well understood and it is safely used by farmers throughout the nation every day. Solutions of ammonia (5-10% by weight) are used as household cleaners, particularly for glass. These solutions are irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes (respiratory and digestive tracts), and to a lesser extent the skin. The toxicity of ammonia solutions does not regularly cause problems for humans and other mammals, as a exact mechanism exists to forestall its build-up in the bloodstream [1].

The gas is flammable (autoignition temperature: 651 °C) and can form explosive mixtures with air (16-25%). Anhydrous ammonia corrodes copper- and zinc-containing alloys, and so brass fittings should not be used for handling the gas. Liquid ammonia can also attack rubber and definite plastics. Although ammonia is regulated in the United States as a non-flammable gas, it still meets the definition of a material that is toxic by inhalation and requires a risky security permit when transported in quantities greater than 13,248 L (3,500 gallons) [2].

Ammonia ignites at 651°C based fuels offer a great inherent for universal use but suffer from the disadvantage that pure ammonia cannot be used in high-speed engines because its flame speed is too low. Omachron Technologies Inc. Has industrialized a simple means of allowing accepted internal combustion engines to burn ammonia.

In addition, ammonia can also be doped with environmentally friendly chemical additives to make it compatible in high-speed engines. Ammonia can already be used in low-speed engines and in fuel cells. It is already produced in large quantities and it can actually be made on a distributed basis thereby allowing a decentralized production and distribution infrastructure. production facilities can actually be expanded.

The key is to look at means of producing ammonia efficiently from solar and wind energy.

Ammonia is not a "magical fuel" but it can actually be made from renewable power sources, stored with existing technology, produces only water vapor and nitrogen as bi-products when burned, and is not more risky to deal with than gasoline or propane.

[1] Ammonia is converted to carbamoyl phosphate by the enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, and then enters the urea cycle to be whether incorporated into amino acids or excreted in the urine.

Repeated exposure to ammonia lowers the sensitivity to the smell of the gas: regularly the odour is detectable at concentrations of less than 0.5 ppm (parts per million), but desensitized individuals may not detect it even at concentrations of 100 ppm.

The proper exposure limit (Pel) in the United States is 50 ppm (35 mg/m³), while the Idlh attentiveness is estimated at 300 ppm.

[2] The U. S. Occupational security and condition supervision (Osha) has set a 15-minute exposure limit for gaseous ammonia of 35 ppm by volume in the environmental air and an 8-hour exposure limit of 25 ppm by volume. Exposure to very high concentrations of gaseous ammonia can corollary in lung damage and death.

Ammonia For energy storehouse

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jesus Is number 1

You might be familiar with the term day-trader. A day-trader is a high-risk investor who jumps in and out of the stock mark often many times a day to take advantage of small price changes. Day traders ordinarily do not have any interest in the clubs whose stock they are buying. These habitancy are plainly trying to catch stocks that they think are going to rise in value and then they will sell and go finding for other quick-pick opportunities.

There are other investors who have come to be known as "dot-com" investors. They look for Internet companies, especially those with "dot-com" at the end of their names. They spend a wee time researching the firms who have these stocks and they buy them on a marginal basis and sell them as soon as the price increases.

News From Armenia

Within the church there are some habitancy who can be called day traders and dot-com investors. They know a wee about God in reality and many think that they can buy a small share of without first investigating Jesus' claim to being Lord over all of their lives.

At this point in Luke's Gospel, Jesus has attracted a large following. He was so favorite that, like a rock star, groupies began to gather. They had heard of his preaching, teaching and healing. They wanted to get close to him and contact his unusual energy. Some even opinion that he would be a military-type person who would drive out the Roman army and return Israel to the glory days of the reign of King David. They were thinking to themselves, "Oh boy! Happy days are here again!", but oh boy, were they in for a big surprise!

Jesus quickly dashed their hopes. He knew what his true mission was and what the cost would be. He asked them to reconsider the cost of following him, and he asks us the same query today. Jesus calls for an exclusive commitment from us. All things else in our lives must take a back seat. This is similar to what I was told when I joined the Mersey Band over 30 years ago. At that time, I was told by the bandmaster that my priorities were to be work or school first, family second, the band third and then All things else. Now, for some members All things else takes priority over the band. We must be prepared to leave All things else behind and result him when he calls us, just like the disciples did when Jesus called them. Faith frees us from those things which keep us from the genuine joy of following Christ.

Moses said the same thing in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 just before he died, and just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. He was involved that their descendants clearly knew what was in store for them. They had a choice to make: obey God and be blessed, or disobey God and be punished.

Jesus gives us the same choice today. Our decision has a cost. If we disobey God, we will be punished by eternal damnation. If we obey God, we will be rewarded by Him, but we could be punished by our world today. We may suffer rejection or discrimination. Some of our friends and/or family members may shun us. We must absolutely ask ourselves if we are prepared to pay the cost.

Today, as it was in Jesus' time, he has many followers, but few disciples. For example, look at any church article of attendance or stewardship of time, talent and substance. What is the division of those who put Jesus first? There are still many habitancy who seek the blessings but they are whether not counting the cost or are not willing to pay it. In other words, they want the benefits but they do not want to pay the costs. Such habitancy seek the cheap "no commitment" blessings he does not offer. Such seeking ends in dissatisfaction and disillusionment. That's why lots of his followers get discouraged with him in our day, just as they did in his day.

The dangers of being Christian in a violent world have not passed. Recently a group of medical aid workers in Afghanistan were executed by the Taliban, the think being that they supposedly had proselytizing materials in their possession. All of the victims were associated with the International aid Mission, a Christian assosication which provided humanitarian relief and aid in Afghanistan for decades. The Taliban claimed they were killed as Western spies who were preaching Christianity; however, safety military in Afghanistan said robbery was the probable motive.

Jesus knew that just as he would be rejected, abused and killed by the world, that his disciples would also face greatest hostility and hatred. Here are the fates of his former disciples:

1. James, the brother of Jesus, and James, the son of Zebedee, were killed by mobs in Jerusalem.
2. Matthew was run through with a sword in Ethiopia.
3. Philip was hanged in Greece.
4. Bartholomew was flayed alive in Armenia. In other words, his skin was stripped off of his body by whipping.
5. Andrew was crucified in Achaia and Thomas was killed with a lance in east India.
6. Thaddeus was slain with arrows and Simon the Zealot was crucified by the Persians.
7. Peter was crucified upside down by the Romans.
8. John died alone on the island of Patmos.

Greatness means there is a price to be paid. It always has meant that and always will mean that. Jesus knew that if his disciples could reject the earthly ties that bound them to human allegiances and loyalties first and foremost, then they could focus their faith and draw their compel from God's power, love and kingdom.

Some of you may have heard of a Baptist priest by the name of Dr. Charles F. Stanley. He is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and the president of In Touch Ministries. His church services are televised worldwide on the schedule "In Touch. He is also a world-renowned author. In fact, the Charles F. Stanley Life law Bible is one of the many resources that I use when preparing my sermons. His motto is "Obey God, and leave all the consequences to him". What this means is that if we select to result Christ, God will give us the compel and courage to face the consequences of our decision-both positive and negative. God will give us the courage to face adversity.

Our decision to result Christ will involve huge sacrifices and the spending of vast amounts of vigor and resources on serving our fellow man. This has been done by commonplace people. After all, God uses commonplace habitancy to do phenomenal things. Jesus' disciples were commonplace habitancy ranging from fishermen to a tax collector. God used Billy Graham, a farm boy from North Carolina, to create one of the many spiritual revivals on the 20th century. God uses Billy's son Franklin to ease the suffering of humanity through his work with the Christian relief assosication Samaritan's Purse. Billy Graham recently said that he feels called by God to preach again at the age of ninety, even if it is for one last time. Closer to home, God uses me and other volunteers, some of whom are from our own parish, to help ease poverty through the local food bank, which was started in the 1980s by the now-defunct local relationship of churches. God uses our rector to ease the plight of sailors on ocean-going vessels through his work with the Missions to Seafarers in the Port of Liverpool and Brooklyn.

There is a movement abroad today by habitancy who want a very different kind of Christ. This movement is called the Prosperity Gospel. Supporters of the Prosperity Gospel emphasize that Christ wants to make his followers wealthy. A billboard for a revival by evangelist Benny Hinn promised "Business Breakthrough: extra Prayers for Your enterprise & Finances." The Prosperity Gospel is a movement that started in the United States and has spread throughout the world. habitancy find it enchanting because it promises material rewards for discipleship. It tells them that Jesus will make them wealthy, But Jesus said, "None of you can come to be my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions." What he meant is that we cannot be his disciples if we allow the God-space at the centre of our lives to fill up with the love of money or material goods.

Jesus does not promise that our walk of faith will be easy. To paraphrase the title of a song recorded by Loretta Lynn, Jesus never promised us a rose organery here on earth. In fact, he makes it quite clear that there will be a cost. At this point in Luke's Gospel, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, and he knows that when he gets there he will be arrested, tried and crucified-a sacrifice that he has to make so that we can be restored to a relationship with God. Now God is not calling us to make this kind of sacrifice like Christians in the Third World often have to do. He is also not calling us to sell All things we have and lead a life of a travelling missionary, although some great souls such as mom Theresa have done that in the past. Most of us have far too many responsibilities to do that, but we can take some small steps in that direction. We can do things such as donating extra clothes or furniture that we don't need to the poor or by donating time and money to help the less fortunate in our community. For example, the local food bank has seen the query for its services increase at a faster rate than the increase in donations. The situation has reached the point where the food bank has almost run out of money and has had to discourage habitancy from using the food bank.

Jesus calls on us to look again at those society sees as "outcasts" and see them as valued members of society. He himself was thought about by many people, especially the Pharisees and Sadducees, as an "outcast'. His life and death located him with the outcasts. Those who believe in him and his life, death and resurrection are often thought about by our society to be outcasts because they, like Jesus, select to go against society's rules.

When Jesus said that we must "hate father and mother", he was talking figuratively, not literally. Good thing, because that would mean disobeying the commandment to honour our parents-a commandment that I take seriously especially with my dear, sweet mom (and especially if I want to continue living at home!). As I mentioned earlier, what Jesus means is that we must have a secondary attachment to All things in our lives except Jesus. He must be our estimate one priority. Even then, there will be times when we will have to make choices that put our discipleship in the line. There will be times where we will have to say "No" to what seems to be alternative or easier ways of doing things. There will be times where we will be tempted like Christ was when he was in the wilderness. Following Christ is not a certify of a conflict-free life. In fact, Jesus was quite capable of blistering verbal assaults and even violence when he drove the money-changers out of the temple. In the words of normal Dwight Eisenhower when he addressed the military on the eve of the D-Day invasion in World War Ii, "There will be no victories at bargain-basement prices".

The most preponderant book on the meaning of discipleship, which is entitled "The Cost of Discipleship", was written in the 1930s by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was a German pastor and theologian who tried to lead his church in resistance to the Nazis and was martyred in 1945 at the Flossenberg attentiveness camp for his part in a conspiracy to murder Adolph Hitler. Bonhoeffer wrote these words in the book, "Where will the call to discipleship lead those who result it? What decisions and painful separations will it entail? We must take this query to him alone who knows the answer. Only Jesus Christ, who bids us result him, knows where the path will lead. But we know that it will be a path full of mercy beyond measure. Discipleship is joy."

Jesus does not promise us material wealth if we result him, but he promises us a wealth beyond anyone we can dream of in terms of material goods. His wealth is the wealth of the Holy Spirit and the wealth of heaven. God and Christ are willing to share this wealth with us. There is a hymn in the tasteless Praise hymnbook entitled, "Will You Come and result Me". All we have to do to receive Christ's wealth is to say "Yes" and result him in faith. As a result, our earthly journey may be hard, but when we get to heaven, we will find that the streets of gold are waiting for us-and they don't have any potholes either!

Jesus Is number 1

My Links : todays world news headlines

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

A Series Overview

"Teaching English in Colombia" will be a series of about 20 to 25 articles. The focus will be on providing prospective Tefl English teachers with a flavor for each of the major city areas, along with enough beginning data to at least give them some idea about what each of the locations has to offer. Since many may be foreign nationals, it is assumed that data like local specialty foods, drinks and living conditions will be of some value, although I'm taking care not to furnish too much data that might "date" the material, as this would render the work nearly useless in a relatively short time.

News From Armenia

Not intended to be an all-inclusive work either, we will plainly present the basics for each city area with enough to go on to make touch and/or an investigative visit of even additional value. Where to go, how to get there and major Efl schools / institutes that could be contacted in improve to ascertain interest are provided for each city / area. For hotels, restaurants and other trip - tourism specifics, candidates should consult the most recent Colombia trip guide book they can get in English or Spanish.

Important Features

A few important features contained in this series include:

o 3 to 5 area-related photos: Historic / tourist sites, schools, interviewees, parks

o An opportunity scene which is designed to highlight some facet of local everyday life

o City / area features: population, location, indispensable business / products

o Commentary on local special events, holidays, celebrations, festivals

o Historical data/ cultural aspects that may be of some relevance in day-to-day living

o Food & drink specialties of each region

o A one-page List of Schools and Institutions with Tefl teachers on staff

Note: The online article-marketing published page differs from the commercial E-book or record in that the article-marketing piece will Not have photos, graphics, illustrations, be more than two pages long or have more than one page of school / organize listings with descriptions and / or reviews.

Each record or E-book chapter will detail one city area only. When a location warrants sustain for additional listings and other criteria, a Part 2, Part 3, etc. Will be added as subsequent chapters. The cities planned to be elaborated on in this record series are:

City Area Articles / Chapters

1. Cali - Capitol of Salsa Music

2. Bogota - A Capitol City in the Clouds

3. Medellín - City of Eternal Spring

4. Pasto - In the Shadow of Galeras Volcano

5. Pereira - The Growing Heart of the Coffee Region

6. Armenia - The Coffee Region's enterprise Central

7. Manizales - Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold

8. Popayán - The White City

9. Buenaventura - Colombia's Pacific Coast Pearl

10. Cucuta - A Sun-drenched Frontier Town

11. Bucaramanga - The City of Parks

12. Ibagué - If You Want to Meet Juan Valdez ...

13. Neiva - Pride of the Opitas

14. Cartagena - Caribbean Jewel of Colombia

15. Barranquilla - always a Carnival

16. Quibdo - In the Steamy Heart of the Choco

17. Monteria - town of Colombia's Nickel-Mining Empire

18. Villavicencio

19. Florencia - Orchid City of the Amazon

20. Colombia: An Overview

Summary / Conclusion

The overview will offer a brief round-up of features, benefits and "caveats" presented for the city / area, allowing the prospective Tefl pro to have a balanced view of each of the locations. Alas, we do not live in a excellent world. Each location will have its own items on the minus side of the ledger. While I have made every exertion to be as object as possible, I am human. As such, there are areas I like more than others. There are schools I like more than others too, although I will exertion to keep my personal prejudices out of the way as much as almost possible. This should aid you in making up your own mind. In fact, you should check all data for yourself as much of it is branch to turn straight through the fault of nobody in particular.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch has taught English as a Foreign Language in Colombia since 1995 and is the author of "Living in Colombia: A Practical Guide", "Teaching English in Colombia: A Guide for Tefl Professionals" and "Insights on English Language Teaching: What Tefl Teachers Need to Know". E-mail him at: for more information.

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

My Links : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 25, 2011

Is The United States beginning World War Iii?

Are we currently in World War Iii? Many pundits claim that we are. What brings them to this conclusion? Yes, the U.S. Is currently engaged in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, these engagements are a prelude to a advent major conflict. We live in a world that faces global terrorism. However, many countries don't see terrorism as a threat.

During the last world war, the world didn't see Hitler as their problem; the Holocaust occurred while nations did nothing. Now history stands to repeat itself. Nations are not presenting a united front against terrorism, even as terrorists openly threaten them. The next tragic event may likely bring the world into a full-fledged world war. Ezekiel 38 and 39 contains one of the most favorite Biblical prophecies regarding the destruction of many nations after a major war. After this war, the geographical and landscape of the Middle East will be considerably different.

News From Armenia

The prophet Ezekiel was taken captive after the Babylonian conquered Jerusalem. It was while the years 592 to 586 Bc that he wrote his prophecies. chapter 38 of Ezekiel opens with:

"And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great enterprise with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many citizen with thee. Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy enterprise to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?" (Ezekiel 38: 1-6, 13)

Most Bible scholars agree that the countries Ezekiel's describes are Russia, Persia (Iran), North Africa, and other Islamic surrounding nations. In his book, Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg outlines the countries listed in Ezekiel chapter 38: Magog, Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal are Russia and the old Soviet Republics. Persia is Iran. Gomer is Turkey and perhaps Germany and Austria. Beth-togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. Sheba and Dedan are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and Gulf States.

Some may ask why Russia would assault Israel. Let's not forget Russia's past behavior towards Israel. Recently released White House documents show while the 1967 war, Russia came quite close to invading Israel. It wasn't until the United States stepped-in that Russia backed off. Also, Russia was less than willing in allowing Russian-Jews to return to Israel while the Diaspora. There has been a constant fundamental conflict between the countries. One would have to been under a rock not to notice the new found buddy-buddy friendship between Russia and Iran. Russia's selling of nuclear arms and fuel to Iran may not be seen as an alliance, but it is. This alliance has all the ingredients for an unimaginable confrontation. When the Gog / Magog war occurs, Russia, Iran, North Africa, and other Islamic nations will pay a heavy price. chapter 38 of Ezekiel leaves off with all these countries receiving a relentless judgment for God.

"And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother. And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many citizen that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 38: 21-23)

Reminiscent of His defense of the Israelites while the Exodus, the Lord will once again come to Israel's recovery and soundly defeat her enemies. He will send blurring into the camps and all the nations will know that He is the Lord. I believe this will be the beginning of a great spiritual awakening for the Jews and Gentiles. Think about it! Once observing surrounding nations' line up against her, political commentators will quit that the nation of Israel is a goner. All will declare it's a miracle that the state of Israel still stands. The query is will they give God the glory? The evidence will be indisputable to deny and as His word says, "Then they shall know that I am Lord."

On his Dvd, Israel and the Battle of Gog and Magog, Perry Stone describes a four-fold plan of the enemy described in Ezekiel's prophecies:

"To take a spoil."

"To turn your hand on the places now inhabited." (Ezekiel 38:12)

"To take away silver and gold."

"To take away cattle and goods." (Ezekiel 38:13)

Due to a warning the Holy Spirit gave his father, Stone believe a major famine will hit the Middle East forcing Russia, Iran, and other Islamic nations to invade Israel for her goods and resources.

Chapter 39 of Ezekiel continues in detailing the perfect and utter destruction against Gog and the other nations against Israel. Destruction will be so bad that 1) Israel will burn the weapons of their enemies for seven years, 2) in order to cleanse the land it will take Israel seven months to bury their enemies, 3) the Lord will allow birds and beast of the field to feast on the sacrificial meal He has prepared for them from the corpses of Israel's fallen enemies, and 4) the Lord will allow only 1/6 of the invaders to live. (Ezekiel 39: 9, 12, 17)

In my opinion, World War Iii has begun. Casualties of war are occurring everyday. The aftermath of Gog and Magog will leave a vastly different Middle East. Not surprisingly, terrorist do not believe Ezekiel's prophecy or the Bible. For as long as the nation of Israel exists, her Arab brothers will proudly shed their blood to try to prove God's Word is untrue and to make the nation of Israel disappear. Sadly, they don't know that they are fighting a loosing battle. Don't forget there is perpetual spiritual warfare that ensues every day.

In this devastating war, it appears the beast of the field will be feasting on the flesh of Israel's fallen enemies settled in a place named Bashan. "Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan (Ezekiel 39:18). If one were to do an internet search for the site of Bashan, you would find that it's the Golan Heights. The area of the Golan are in a current dispute between Israel and Syria. On July 7, 2207, a top Syrian valid said that if Israel doesn't vacate the strategic Golan Heights before September, Syrian guerrillas will immediately embark on "resistance operations" against the Golan's Jewish communities ( For some strange reason, Syria is not mentioned among the nations in Ezekiel's prophecies. Syria must have already met her destruction. (Isaiah 17:1)

Ezekiel 39 closes with: " 27 When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; 28Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. 29Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord God." Verse 27 and 28 has already occurred. The Jewish citizen are once again in their homeland and countless Jews are returning to Israel. Verse 29 declares that in the near future, the Lord will pour His spirit upon the house of Israel. Will you be ready?

Is The United States beginning World War Iii?

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 24, 2011

facts You Need About Camping

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most gorgeous places to camp, hike, fish, or just watch nature. Each year, hundreds of families and others visit the park in order to see some of the gorgeous sites.

When planning your next trip to Yellowstone, you need to be aware of some challenges you may face. One of the biggest concerns for those traveling to the park during the summertime is the availability of campsites. While you can make reservations, you will have to do so months in advance. This is because of the growing number of citizen who want to visit the park each year. While there are spots that are ready to those who show up first, these spots fill up very quickly. Palpate the park for more data especially if you are traveling a long length to get there.

News From Armenia

Another concern that citizen have when visiting the park are the bears. While there are bears that will roam into campsites, most shy away from citizen and do not want to come to be part of the crowd. If a bear does rove into your encampment it is usually an accident. Don't coming the bear and try to leave it alone until it is gone. Most bears are just looking for leftover food and will not charge unless provoked.

Since Yellowstone is so large, it is very easy to come to be lost while hiking if you aren't familiar with the territory. In your backpack, you should comprise a few days worth of fresh water, packaged food items, a blanket, Gps navigational device, and a convert of clothing. In case you have to stay outside overnight, you will have enough supplies until you are rescued or you find your way out of the woods. The park police are trained to find citizen quickly if they come to be lost, but being ready is foremost in a park this large.

Being safe and practicing good camping methods will help you and you house have a great time camping. Obeying the rules will prevent forest fires, injury, and allow you to see the land in all its beauty. My house took a trip from Malaga, Spain last summer and loved it.

facts You Need About Camping

Related : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 each year Exhibitions for It Specialists

Information technology is a constantly growing industry that it used by every company in the world, be it sports, financial or otherwise. A amount of exquisite It exhibitions are held all colse to the world each year, with manufacturers showcasing the newest developments, services and technologies. Below a look at 5 of the best:

E-Security Expo - Online safety is a major concern for many businesses, be it because of computer viruses, data theft or other forms of malware. To get the newest software and learn about the newest threats, E-Security Expo is one of the prominent exhibitions in It security. Held in Mumbai, India, the exhibition helps companies to contemplate the newest technological breakthroughs and test other tools and gadgets. Technologies comprise wireless security, virus detection software and biometric identification. Anything company sector you work in, this is most likely a show which can be of benefit to you.

News From Armenia

Storage Expo - Date storage is a shifting industry in data technology, especially with the increase of cloud networks. The storage Expo held at the Olympia Exhibition Centre in London sees thousands of data storage and data management professionals attend to learn about the newest news in the industry.

Ifa Berlin - The world's largest trade fair for consumer electronics and home appliances, Ifa Berlin sees the biggest names in electronics vie for consumer's attention. This year is predicted to see major releases such as the first 3D laptop from Sony and Lg's Oled Tv. The exhibition provides one of Europe's best opportunities for international exhibitors to meet inherent clients and showcase their newest products.

Digital Kenya - Africa may not be one of the prominent It manufacturers yet, but it plays host to one of the largest trade events for the computing industry. In expanding to the last digital equipment, the newest computer, It and satellite technology that is set to transform Africa in to a global company hub, is showcased at this event.

Comp-Expo Yerevan - Armenia is probably not the first country you would join together with data technology, but each year it plays host to Comp-Expo, one of the largest sell platforms in the It sector. Not only does the exhibition showcase the newest deals, promotions and It developments, but it displays the newest technologies such as digital imaging, multimedia software and computing systems. The exhibition is put on with the aid of the country's Ministry of Trade and economical development and attracts not only foreign investors, but also the ever growing technological and economical power of the country.

5 each year Exhibitions for It Specialists

Tags : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 21, 2011

How Did the Twelve Apostles Die?

Simon, surname Peter, died 33-34 years after the death of Christ. Agreeing to Smith's Bible Dictionary there is satisfactory evidence that he and Paul were the founders of the church at Rome, and died in that city. The time and manner of the apostle's martyrdom are less certain. Agreeing to the early writers, he died at or about the same time with Paul, and in the Neronian persecution, A.D. 67,68. All agree that he was crucified. Origen says that Peter felt himself to be unworthy to be put to death in the same manner as his Master, and was therefore, at his own request, crucified with his head downward.

James the son of Zebedee: He was put to death by Herod Agrippa I shortly before the day of the Passover, in the year 44 or about 11 years after the death of Christ. From Acts 12: 1-2.

News From Armenia

John: No death date given by early writers. Death date is by reckon only and is variously assigned as being in the middle of 89 Ad to 120 Ad

Andrew: No precise death date given. A collection of traditions say he preached in Scythia, in Greece, in Asia Minor and Thrace. He is reported to have been crucified at Patrae in Achaia.

Philip: Again, the Bible does not say when he died nor do we have precise information. Agreeing to tradition he preached in Phrygia, and died at Hierapolis.

Bartholomew: There is no data concerning his death, not even by tradition

Matthew: He must have lived many years as an apostle, since he was the author of the Gospel of Matthew which was written at least twenty years after the death of Christ. There is reckon to believe that he stayed for fifteen years at Jerusalem, after which he went as missionary to the Persians, Parthians and Medes. There is a legend that he died a martyr in Ethiopia

Thomas: The earlier traditions, as believed in the fourth century, say he preached in Parthia or Persia, and was ultimately buried at Edessa. The later traditions carry him farther east. His martyrdom whether in Persia or India, is said to have been by a lance, and is commemorated by the Latin Church on December 21 the Greek Church on October 6, and by the Indians on July 1.

James Alpheus: We know he lived at least five years after the death of Christ because of mentions in the Bible. Agreeing to tradition, James son of Alpheus was thrown down from the temple by the scribes and Pharisees; he was then stoned, and his brains dashed out with a fuller's club.

Simon the Canaanite - No data whether in the Bible or by tradition.

Jude (Thaddeus) Agreeing to tradition Jude taught in Armenia, Syria and Persia where he was martyred. Tradition tells us he was buried in Kara Kalisa in what is now Iran.

Judas Iscariot: Shortly after the death of Christ Judas killed himself. Agreeing to the Bible he hanged himself, (Matthew 27:5) at Aceldama, on the southern slope of the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, and in the act he fell down a precipice and was dashed into pieces.

How Did the Twelve Apostles Die?

See Also : todays world news headlines

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Turkey - Us Relations Strained - Diplomacy and transportation Mending Fences

Turkey is somewhat upset with the Us for giving the Kurds millions of dollars to stay out of the Iraq sectarian violence there. With this money some Kurds used the Northern area of Iraq as a base for opposition in Turkey, where some 12 million Kurds are causing problems there. You can see why that might ruffle a few Turkey Feathers?

However, Turkey is happy that the Us is allowing Turkey to defend itself from the Kurd Rebels, some of which are attempting to seek sanctuary inside Iraq's borders in the North. But Turkey has someone else issue with the Us, as recently the Us Congress passed a resolution of admonishment of Turkey's role in the slaughtering of Armenians.

News From Armenia

In addition, the Democrats made a huge mistake with the Chastising of Turkey with the Armenia slaughter 100 years ago, because Turkey is assisting the Us in Iraq. Originally, Turkey did not want Us Warplanes to fly over or be launched from bases there into Iraq, but since Turkey has assisted the Us.

Of course, Turkey's legislature voted in a President 383 to 500, who is a pretty accurate and devout Muslim, many believe that is a move backwards if Turkey de facto wants to join the Eu and continue relations with the Us. Nevertheless, Turkey is our friend and they are a great nation.

One must comprehend that Turkey is in a precarious location and in-between lots of issues; Russian area of the World and former area of dominance, Iran next door, Pakistan colse to with huge issues, next door to Iraq. Inspecting all there is to deal with there, they still have control.

The Turkish military would not hesitate to take off the President if he does something that would jeopardize its future. The Us, has played the diplomacy correctly there. The Us Democrats roughly look as if they purposely tried to undermine the Us mission in Iraq, by condemning Turkey on the anniversary of the Armenia Slaughter. Not that the Armenians now scattered colse to the world do not deserve to be heard, they have been one of the most repressed habitancy in history, but it was a bad choice of the Democrats.

Turkey does not hate the Us, but they choose not to be a client state, they want to be their own voice for their own purpose, they choose to do firm with the Us, because it is good for them. Currently, the Us and Turkey are working together on the Kurb Rebel qoute and also construction a stronger relationship. This is very good news for all.

Turkey - Us Relations Strained - Diplomacy and transportation Mending Fences

Related : todays world news headlines

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Almas - Wild Man of Mongolia

In Seram of the Maluku Islands, also known as the Moluccas archipelago of Indonesia, lives a vertebrate that has fueled both the curiosity and fear of the locals. Known as Orang Bati, or in Indonesian terms, the winged man, the vertebrate resembles a human or giant ape with bat-like wings.

Almas is a Mongolian word for wild man. The plural term almasty is derived from Russian, while other variations of the name are almasti, almaslar, bnahua, and ochokochi, which translates as the name for a forest deity in the West Asian regions, such as Armenia and Georgia. Current accounts of the most up-to-date sightings of the almas find it near the southern part of Mongolia, along the Altai Mountains and the Tien Shan pass near the northern border of China.

News From Armenia

First accounted in historical records in the 1400's, almas is not used to refer to one organism, but a community of many. These individuals are described as subspecies of hominids, in which humans and primates like orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees belong to. Almasty look the appearance and body framework of Neanderthals, another species of hominid, which roamed Western Asia about 350,000 years ago.

Almasty are bipedal organisms, which can walk upright on two hind legs. The tasteless height range for almas is five feet tall, but adults can be as high as six to six and a half feet. Their bodies are covered entirely with thick brown to reddish-brown hair. The facial region remains uncovered, but patches of skin are dark. The skull buildings of the almas possesses a protruding brow ridge, slanting forehead, flat nose, and large protruding jaw. Their feet are large and their fingers are long, their appendages are fully covered with hair, except for their hands.

Accounts from Russian historian Professor Boris Porchnev in 1964 explained that the Almas appeared to have a cone-shaped skull, and the teeth structures are similar to humans, except that the canines are wider. Porchnev has even reported to have encountered the descendants of the Almas, which were grouped in families that dwelled in holes on the ground. Porchnev additional describes the human-like beings as having perfect swimming and running abilities, foul odor, and diet that consists of small mammals, vegetables, and fruits.

The almasty as nomadic creatures have traveled beyond the areas of Mongolia in which they were often sighted by farmers and villagers. Stories and reports dating from the last fifty years have settled the almas community nearby the Caucasus mountains near Russia and the Black Sea. Artifacts and evidences of the existence of almas communities have also been found in the Pamir mountains of Central Asia.

One of the most up-to-date expeditions that aimed to find the almas was led by Russian cryptozoologist Dr. Marie-Jeanne Kofman and Frenchman Sylvain Pallix in 1992. Similar to the findings of Porchnev, the data gathered by Kofman describes the almas as large hairy creatures, weighing as much as 500 pounds, and are nocturnal creatures that can run as fast as 40 miles per hour. However, the only solid evidences Kofman was able to accumulate were hair samples, footprints, and droppings.

Variations of names of the almas and the regions they were sighted are: barmanu from Afghanistan and Pakistan, golub-yavan from Tajikistan, ksy-gyik from Kazakhstan, and mulen from Tungus in Siberia, among others.

There is a website that describes the Almas and numerous other creatures of Cryptozoology in detail, this website is called: Unknown Creatures and it may be found at this url:

You may release this description in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

Almas - Wild Man of Mongolia

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 18, 2011

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

A Series Overview

"Teaching English in Colombia" will be a series of about 20 to 25 articles. The focus will be on providing prospective Tefl English teachers with a flavor for each of the major city areas, along with sufficient beginning information to at least give them some idea about what each of the locations has to offer. Since many may be foreign nationals, it is assumed that information like local specialty foods, drinks and living conditions will be of some value, although I'm taking care not to furnish too much information that might "date" the material, as this would render the work nearly useless in a relatively short time.

News From Armenia

Not intended to be an all-inclusive work either, we will simply present the basics for each city area with sufficient to go on to make experience and/or an investigative visit of even added value. Where to go, how to get there and major Efl schools / institutes that could be contacted in enlarge to ascertain interest are in case,granted for each city / area. For hotels, restaurants and other trip - tourism specifics, candidates should consult the most modern Colombia trip guide book they can get in English or Spanish.

Important Features

A few leading features contained in this series include:

o 3 to 5 area-related photos: Historic / traveler sites, schools, interviewees, parks

o An occasion scene which is designed to highlight some facet of local everyday life

o City / area features: population, location, principal business / products

o Commentary on local extra events, holidays, celebrations, festivals

o Historical data/ cultural aspects that may be of some relevance in day-to-day living

o Food & drink specialties of each region

o A one-page List of Schools and Institutions with Tefl teachers on staff

Note: The online article-marketing published page differs from the commercial E-book or description in that the article-marketing piece will Not have photos, graphics, illustrations, be more than two pages long or have more than one page of school / design listings with descriptions and / or reviews.

Each description or E-book episode will detail one city area only. When a location warrants preserve for added listings and other criteria, a Part 2, Part 3, etc. Will be added as subsequent chapters. The cities planned to be elaborated on in this description series are:

City Area Articles / Chapters

1. Cali - Capitol of Salsa Music

2. Bogota - A Capitol City in the Clouds

3. Medellín - City of Eternal Spring

4. Pasto - In the Shadow of Galeras Volcano

5. Pereira - The Growing Heart of the Coffee Region

6. Armenia - The Coffee Region's business Central

7. Manizales - Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold

8. Popayán - The White City

9. Buenaventura - Colombia's Pacific Coast Pearl

10. Cucuta - A Sun-drenched Frontier Town

11. Bucaramanga - The City of Parks

12. Ibagué - If You Want to Meet Juan Valdez ...

13. Neiva - Pride of the Opitas

14. Cartagena - Caribbean Jewel of Colombia

15. Barranquilla - always a Carnival

16. Quibdo - In the Steamy Heart of the Choco

17. Monteria - center of Colombia's Nickel-Mining Empire

18. Villavicencio

19. Florencia - Orchid City of the Amazon

20. Colombia: An Overview

Summary / Conclusion

The summary will offer a concise round-up of features, benefits and "caveats" presented for the city / area, allowing the prospective Tefl pro to have a balanced view of each of the locations. Alas, we do not live in a exquisite world. Each location will have its own items on the minus side of the ledger. While I have made every effort to be as object as possible, I am human. As such, there are areas I like more than others. There are schools I like more than others too, although I will effort to keep my personal prejudices out of the way as much as practically possible. This should aid you in development up your own mind. In fact, you should check all information for yourself as much of it is field to convert through the fault of nobody in particular.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch has taught English as a Foreign Language in Colombia since 1995 and is the author of "Living in Colombia: A Practical Guide", "Teaching English in Colombia: A Guide for Tefl Professionals" and "Insights on English Language Teaching: What Tefl Teachers Need to Know". E-mail him at: for more information.

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

My Links : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Stress Less For Poker Success" recipe - Ingredient #1 Rhodiola Rosea

Literally, almost a hundred or so explore papers or curative reviews come across my desk every combine of days. I guess you can say I gather them. See, whenever I meet man in the curative field, I always make sure I leave my e-mail address with them just in case they come across any facts with regard to nutraceuticals. I like to read everything. As they say, knowledge is power.

Thus, rarely do I get excited about an herbal product. It takes a lot to earn my trust, let alone my hard-earned money. There has to be a titanic amount of evidence supporting the herbal before I'd even think twice about testing it. There's too much rift-raft in the dietary supplement industry. I was fooled long ago while my "believe every miracle cure a marketer throws at me" days. I'm much wiser now. I can cut through the Bs and get right down to the good stuff.

News From Armenia

I must admit though, I'm unquestionably excited about this first ingredient in my "stress less for poker success" formula. The explore in not only animals but also humans is very convincing. The science, the feedback, all is very sound. All I can say is "I'm a believer."

Rhodiola Rosea

I just want to give you a quick overview about this ingredient. These are things you need to know so you can best evaluate either it can benefit your game. I'll then tell you why I love this ingredient for poker players.


Rhodiola Rosea, a plant, is typically found in the mountain regions throughout Europe and Asia. It's been used for years in former Asian and Eastern European medicine. In addition, it's been studied for over 35 years in Russia and Scandanavia, with a large majority of the explore not yet translated. Now remember, the Russians were studying and using anabolic steroids well before the U.S. Even knew what testosterone was. When it comes to carrying out enhancing supplements, Russians are ordinarily near the forefront of innovation.

Mechanism of action

I want you to try something. Stop reading this, put on your running shoes, and go outside. Yes, do it. It'll make this record mean so much more. Now run as far as you can until you feel like you're going to die. Stop, and I want you to do some involved arithmetic. How about the first ten U.S. Presidents? Ok, something a microscopic easier. How about your first, middle, and last name? Tough, isn't it? That's what stress can do to your mind. Now continue reading.

Rhodiola Rosea is classified as an adaptogen, due to its quality to increase resistance to a host of chemical, biological, and physiological stressors. In layman's terms, it protects you from all kinds of stress in a variety of ways. Adaptogens help keep the body in a state of salutary balance. When there's too much stress, it helps counteract it. When there's too microscopic stress, it helps the body increase its stress response.

Just a few of the suggested ways it works include:

Its quality to stop the enzymes responsible for the destruction of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine, along with helping in the vehicle of those neurotransmitters. All three neurotransmitters are vital to thinking performance. Think caffeine or stimulants when you hear the words norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Its quality to help minimize the loss of norepinephrine and epinephrine from the adrenal gland while times of acute stress. This is particularly important since one of the most influential doctors in the U.S. Stated that there's an adrenal fatigue epidemic in the U.S. Any help your adrenal gland can get is highly beneficial to your health.

Its quality to induce opiod peptide biosynthesis, along with activating peripheral and central opiod receptors. Yes, you heard me right. I said opiod.

Here's a quick analogy that helps when trying to figure out exactly what Rhodiola Rosea does. Have you every worked out after a long break and got sore as all hell? Then, after a few weeks of working out, even though you are doing the exact same habit as you did when you got sore the first time, you don't even feel like you're breaking a sweat. That's adaptation. Rhodiola Rosea does almost the exact same thing, but its effects are more thinking as opposed to physical. It gives your body that extra help it needs to fight intense stress. It readies the defenses even before you taste the stress.


Because it helps keep the body in a salutary balance, you'll get the most benefit from a mid-range dosage, even though some newer studies are showing effectiveness in treating depression and normal anxiety disorder with higher dosages. Typically, you'll want to stay in the dosing range of 100-170mg extract standardized to 3.6% rosavin. Some of the literature suggests doses lower and higher than that range are equally ineffective. The most important aspect to pay concentration to is the division of rosavin.

Because Rhodiola rosea is a plant, there are numerous compounds that have shown pharmacological effects within the plant. Thus, to help standardize the dosage, the division of rosavin was chosen because it's almost unique to this single species of Rhodiola. Think of it as the proof of alcohol. I'm sure you and I both know what that means.

Also, if you are using Rhodiola Rosea for acute stressful situations, typically you'll want to use 3 times the daily dosage. Unlike most other adaptogens, Rhodiola Rosea has been shown to be productive in acute stressful situations, not just while persisting stress.

It's also best to cycle your usage of Rhodiola Rosea. It's been used up to four months at a time. I suggest using it while times of intense stress, such as while poker tournaments that may end up being all-nighters, etc. I personally don't use it all the time. I like to rely on it when I'm working on major presentations or when I know I'll have a combine weeks of hell. It's been a lifesaver. So far, the only side effects noticed were irritability and insomnia. I interrogate either the dosage was too high or the patients even unquestionably needed it.

Why I like it.

It doesn't just work centrally like most other adaptogens. It also works peripherally. Thus, it's great to stack with other adaptogens. Synergy at its finest.

It just doesn't work while periods of prolonged stress. It also works for acute stressful situations. Very convenient.

The animal studies have provided perfect evidence. The human studies have been even better. It's been studied on physicians, students, and salutary 19-21 year-olds. If that wasn't enough, the large majority of the explore from Russia and Scandanavia hasn't even been translated yet. Thus, we're just starting to see the tip of the iceberg.

Within the last combine of years, it's even been studied to treat normal anxiety disorder and depression. Very few herbal supplements unquestionably make it to "disease studies." This is equivalent to the stage 2 and 3 clinical trials prescribe medications are tested in. The astounding part was both studies showed beneficial effects for both curative conditions.

It helps to balance the body. It doesn't take the body out of its natural state. Side effects are minimal.

Why do I Love it for poker players?

I don't care how much you love poker, it's stressful. No one enjoys losing money. Tell me if some of these benefits wouldn't heighten your game: stimulation of the nervous system, alleviating depression, minimizing thinking and physical fatigue, enhancing work performance, and enhancing sleep difficulties. Just one of those effects will probably have quite an impact on your poker game. Animal studies have even suggested some cognitive enhancing effects. Now that's what I consider a carrying out enhancing supplement for the poker world.

If you play poker regularly, you probably have a sporadic lifestyle. You can't plan when you're going to play in tournaments or pick-up games. They sometimes appear out of nowhere. Rhodiola rosea works while times of acute stress and periods of prolonged stress. Did you say you need instant stress relief while this intense tournament? Try Rhodiola Rosea. Wait, did you say you needed some stress relief while this month long run of bad cards? Try Rhodiola Rosea. It's very, very convenient.

The feel-good effects of dopamine, the vigor of norepinephrine and epinephrine, the antidepressive feelings of serotonin, and the euphoria of opiods. All balanced by Rhodiola Rosea. Now that's good stuff.

I think I've rambled on enough about my top ingredient for the stress less for success formula. Stress can do some nasty things to the mind. If it's hurting your poker game, you need this formula. If you're losing sleep from poker, you need this formula. It's worked for me and I'm sure it will work for you.

Clinical Studies

Here a combine Rhodiola rosea studies that I referred to in the former article. I just want to get them up tonight so you can read them. I'll go into a microscopic more information about them tomorrow.

1) A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic consequent of Rhodiola rosea Shr-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress while an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen.

Spasov Aa, Wikman Gk, Mandrikov Vb, Mironova Ia, Neumoin Vv.
Volgograd curative Academy, Russia.

The objective was to explore the stimulating and normalizing consequent of the adaptogen Rhodiola rosea extract Shr-5 in foreign students while a stressful examination period. The study was performed as a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled with low repeated dose regime. The study drug and the placebo were taken for 20 days by the students while an examination period. The physical and thinking carrying out were assessed before and after the period, based on objective as well as on subjective evaluation. The most needful correction in the Shr-5 group was seen in physical fitness, thinking fatigue and neuro-motoric tests (p Rhodiola rosea in stress induced fatigue--a duplicate blind cross-over study of a standardized extract Shr-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the thinking carrying out of salutary physicians while night duty.

Darbinyan V, Kteyan A, Panossian A, Gabrielian E, Wikman G, Wagner H.
Department of Neurology, Armenian State curative University, Yerevan.

The aim of this study was to explore the consequent of repeated low-dose treatment with a standardized extract Shr/5 of rhizome Rhodiola rosea L, (Rre) on fatigue while night duty among a group of 56 young, salutary physicians. The consequent was measured as total thinking carrying out calculated as Fatigue Index. The tests chosen reflect an widespread level of thinking fatigue, fascinating involved perceptive and cognitive cerebral functions, such as associative thinking, short-term memory, calculation and quality of concentration, and speed of audio-visual perception. These parameters were tested before and after night duty while three periods of two weeks each: a) a test period of one Rre/placebo tablet daily, b) a washout period and c) a third period of one placebo/Rre tablet daily, in a double-blind cross-over trial. The perceptive and cognitive cerebral functions mentioned above were investigated using 5 dissimilar tests. A statistically needful correction in these tests was observed in the treatment group (Rre) while the first two weeks period. No side-effects were reported for either treatment noted. These results suggest that Rre can cut normal fatigue under determined stressful conditions.

3) A pilot study of Rhodiola rosea (Rhodax) for generalized anxiety disorder (Gad).
Bystritsky A, Kerwin L, Feusner Jd.

Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, Ca, Usa.

Background: Rhodiola rosea is an herbal supplement that many in the normal citizen in Russia and elsewhere in the world have used for decades to alleviate everyday anxiety, depression, and insomnia. either R. Rosea is productive in reducing similar symptoms in clinical samples is unknown. The goal of this pilot study was to evaluate either R. Rosea is productive in reducing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (Gad). Method: Ten (10) participants with a Dsm-Iv pathology of Gad, recruited from the Ucla Anxiety Disorders agenda and in the middle of the ages of 34 and 55, were enrolled in this study from November 2005 to May 2006. Participants received a total daily dose of 340 mg of R. Rosea extract for 10 weeks. Assessments included the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (Hars), the Four-Dimensional Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Clinical Global Impressions of Severity/Improvement Scale. Results: Individuals treated with R. Rosea showed needful decreases in mean Hars scores at endpoint (t=3.27, p=0.01). Adverse events were generally mild or moderate in severity, the most tasteless being dizziness and dry mouth. Conclusions: needful correction in Gad symptoms was found with R. Rosea, with a allowance in Hars scores similar to that found in clinical trials. These preliminary findings guarantee added exploration of treatment with R. Rosea in clinical samples.

4) Clinical trial of Rhodiola rosea L. extract Shr-5 in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Darbinyan V, Aslanyan G, Amroyan E, Gabrielyan E, Malmström C, Panossian A.
Department of Neurology, Armenian State curative University, Yerevan, Armenia.

The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and protection of standardized extract Shr-5 of rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea L. In patients suffering from a current part of mild/moderate depression. The phase Iii clinical trial was carried out as a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with parallel groups over 6 weeks. Participants, males and females aged 18-70 years, were superior agreeing to Dsm-Iv diagnostic criteria for depression, the severity of which was determined by scores gained in Beck Depression catalogue and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Hamd) questionnaires. Patients with preliminary Hamd scores in the middle of 21 and 31 were randomized into three groups, one of which (group A: 31 patients) received two tablets daily of Shr-5 (340 mg/day), a second (group B: 29 patients) received two tablets twice per day of Shr-5 (680 mg/day), and a third (group C: 29 patients) received two placebo tablets daily. The efficacy of Shr-5 extract with respect to depressive complaints was assessed on days 0 and 42 of the study period from total and specific subgroup Hamd scores. For individuals in groups A and B, widespread depression, together with insomnia, emotional instability and somatization, but not self-esteem, improved significantly following medication, whilst the placebo group did not show such improvements. No serious side-effects were reported in any of the groups A-C. It is fulfilled, that the standardized extract Shr-5 shows anti-depressive potency in patients with mild to moderate depression when administered in dosages of either 340 or 680 mg/day over a 6-week period.

5) Efficacy and tolerability of a Rhodiola rosea extract in adults with physical and cognitive deficiencies.

Fintelmann V, Gruenwald J.
Carl Gustav Carus Akademie Hamburg e. V., Hamburg, Germany.

During a 12-wk drug monitoring study, the efficacy and protection of a Rhodiola rosea extract given in mixture with vitamins and minerals (vigodana(R)) were tested in 120 adults (83 women and 37 men, ages 50-89 y) with physical and cognitive deficiencies. Two dissimilar dosage regimens were chosen. One group of 60 patients (group 1) took 2 capsules orally in the morning after breakfast, and the other group (group 2) took 1 capsule after morning meal and 1 after lunch. Three curative examinations were performed while the procedure of the study (at baseline, after 6 wk, and after 12 wk). The evaluated symptoms were divided into physical disturbances such as exhaustion, decreased motivation, daytime sleepiness, decreased libido, sleep disturbances, and cognitive complaints (eg, concentration deficiencies, forgetfulness, decreased memory, susceptibility to stress, irritability). A statistically highly needful correction (Pa randomized trial of two dissimilar doses of a Shr-5 Rhodiola rosea extract versus placebo and control of capacity for thinking work.

Shevtsov Va, Zholus Bi, Shervarly Vi, Vol'skij Vb, Korovin Yp, Khristich Mp, Roslyakova Na, Wikman G.
Centre of sanitary and Epidemiological Inspection of the R.F. Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical study with an extra non-treatment group was performed to measure the consequent of a single dose of standardized Shr-5 Rhodiola rosea extract on capacity for thinking work against a background of fatigue and stress. An added objective was to explore a possible unlikeness in the middle of two doses, one dose being chosen as the appropriate mean dose in accordance with well-established medicinal use as a psychostimulant/adaptogen, the other dose being 50% higher. Some physiological parameters, e.g. Pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, were also measured. The study was carried out on a highly uniform citizen comprising 161 cadets aged from 19 to 21 years. All groups were found to have very similar preliminary data, with no needful unlikeness with regard to any parameter. The study showed a pronounced antifatigue consequent reflected in an antifatigue index defined as a ratio called Afi. The verum groups had Afi mean values of 1.0385 and 1.0195, 2 and 3 capsules respectively, whilst the figure for the placebo group was 0.9046. This was statistically highly needful (p My Opinion

As always, I'd just like to add my two cents about some of the trials I posted on my former entry. I'll keep it short.

Study 1: the students

One of the few slights I have against this study is the amount of participants, 40. In the prescribe drug world, I'm used to finding at least any hundred participants, ordinarily any thousand. However, that's an highly expensive and long process. It'd be hard for any natural product to get that kind of funding. Like I said before, without patents, there's no money in proving natural products work.

The good news is though that the study looked at any dissimilar aspects of thinking well-being through objective and subjective tests. Rhodiola rosea improved physical fitness, psychomotor function, thinking performance, and normal well-being as well as reducing thinking fatigue, sleep requirements, and abnormal sleeping habits. Subjects also said they were in a great mood as well as being more motivated to study. Also, the students who used Rhodiola rosea had an 18% higher median score than the control group. However, because of the small size, that last note should be taken with caution.

The most important aspect of this trial is the subjects themselves. All of the students were curative students. Thus, they know what the placebo-effect is (basically meaning the benefit isn't necessarily from the treatment itself, but it's from your mind). Being trained to detect and minimize it, the results were still unquestionably needful for Rhodiola rosea. In addition, former U.S. treatment typically frowns upon natural products. Thus, if anything, the students would be biased against Rhodiola rosea.

It was a small study, but I was very impressed with the results. Taking into the catalogue of all the determined benefits it showed and who the subjects were, I'd overlook the small sample size.

Study 2 - salutary physicians

I take great joy in proving that natural supplements do have their place in former medicine. Thus, inspecting this study was done on physicians, and it showed statistically needful improvements, I almost cried when I read this study.

Once again, the microscopic against this study is the small sample size, 56. However, because it was studied on physicians, I have to overlook that. Trust me, most physicians are almost vehemently against using natural products. I've spent many hours on the phone convincing physicians that patients will get the same benefit from fascinating fish oil capsules as they would the prescribe drug Lovaza (which is basically pharmaceutical grade fish oil) without the added expense. You would not believe how brainwashed some of these physicians are by drug companies.

Once again, this study looked at any dissimilar parameters together with speed of optical and auditory perception, concentration capacity, and short-term memory, and then used the results to infer a Fatigue Index. Again, Rhodiola rosea showed statistically needful improvement. After the preliminary two week test, the authors then did a 2 week wash-out period and retested the physicians. As expected, the tests returned to baseline added supporting the effects of Rhodiola rosea.

However, the one knock is after the two week washout period, the authors had someone else two week test with Rhodiola rosea. This time it didn't offset the decline in thinking performance. I have yet to decree a infer as to why. I'm still working on it.

Once again, I feel the small sample size is overshadowed by the subjects and the results. In my opinion, these two studies were great for poker players. Physicians, especially interns, are put under a great deal of thinking and physical stress much like poker players. They have poor sleep habits, their minds are constantly working, their juggling manifold situations, and the stress from the head physicians is unbelievable. If there's one class of citizen that are like poker players, physicians would be as close as you can get.

Study 3 and 4 - Gad and depression

These studies pretty much speak for themselves. In both studies, patients were clinically diagnosed with depression or normal anxiety disorder. The dosages were higher than in the other studies. They showed correction in both conditions. The downside: they also both had small sample sizes. I predict that these studies are going to lead to larger studies done in both of these populations.
The most important thing to take away from these studies: the small amount of side effects associated with those high doses (dry mouth and dizziness). Very impressive. Very safe.

Study 5 -

There were unquestionably any good things that came out of this study. First, it suggested that taking one dose is great than splitting your doses in half and taking them twice daily. Secondly, not only did the patients say Rhodiola rosea worked (80% of them), but so did 81% of the physicians. Once again, it brought a tear to my eye. Finally, the study showed a needful correction in not only physical deficiencies, but also cognitive deficiencies, which added supports Rhodiol rosea's non-specific anti-stress actions.

Downsides: Small sample size, 120. It also wasn't a double-blind placebo controlled trial, the gold-standard in medicine. It basically monitored the patients. However, the 80% success rate is hard to ignore.

Study 6 - cadet study

Once again, it suffers from a small sample size, 161. However, they were young and salutary 19-21 year-old cadets. It always makes a study that much stronger when it shows a benefit in young, salutary adults. It makes it easier to extrapolate the data to the majority of the population.

Once again, the authors calculated an anti-fatigue index. treatment of Rhodiola rosea resulted in over a 10% reduction, which was statistically highly significant. Also, it showed a trend toward more benefits with the lower dosage, added supporting the balance behind Rhodiola rosea.

I unquestionably do love all of these studies. Even taking into catalogue the small sample sizes, I still have to think they highly favor Rhodiola rosea. I feel these results can unquestionably be extrapolated into the poker community. For pete's sake, these studies were done on physicians, curative students, and young cadets. What great models than these for poker players?

Like I said before, I get unquestionably excited by very few natural supplements, may be one of out every 100-200 that I come across. Rhodiola rosea is at the top of my list. I suggest it to all of my athletes, poker players, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals I consult for. I unquestionably believe in this supplement. The science supports it. The clinical studies hold it. Most importantly, the real-world feedback supports it. Try it out. See for yourself. Remember, give it a combine weeks, and find the right dose for you.

If you do happen to use it, I'd love to hear some feedback, negative or positive. I'm particularly finding for what dosage worked best for you. Good-luck and may you get the cards you need.

"Stress Less For Poker Success" recipe - Ingredient #1 Rhodiola Rosea

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

reconsider Your Options and the Statistics Before You Send Money to Armenia

Despite the small cheaper and normal population of Armenia, many population in the United States still need to send money home to house in the area. Therefore, services to do so are all the time needed, and it is wise to find out about those available before you take one. While you do your explore on the methods available to send money to Armenia, reconsider the figures surrounding the remittances to the area.

Though money transfers to most countries have grown throughout the years in general, the number of population who send money to Armenia has increased exponentially in the past decade. In 1995, a mere million was sent to the area, and that number stayed about the same until about 2003. Most countries show a gradual increase in remittances, but Armenia's pattern shows a huge increase in 2003, at which time remittances skyrocketed to about 0 million. That is when the gradual increase was witnessed, as it rose to 0 million in 2004, 0 million in 2005, and just over billion in 2006. Unlike in many other countries, not all of this money was sent from the United States. In fact, studies show that most Armenian immigrants moved to Russia, with some sharp to other areas like Georgia, Greece, France, India, and the United States, to name a few.

News From Armenia

Similar to the pattern in many other countries, those who send money to Armenia have been sending less money, less often in the last few years. This is not surprising given that the cheaper of the United States is not the only one that is going straight through difficult times. Fortunately, money change service officials understand that there is still somewhat of a need to send money to Armenia and other countries, which is why there are any options available.

You can still take the customary route of transferring money straight through your bank, or possibly a bank that offers the bottom remittance rates available. You may also use a money change service that either sends the money to your relative's bank account, or sends cash to a specified location for pickup. The only issues may arise if your relative does not have a bank account, and does not have transportation or time to get to the pickup location. In this case, a prepaid debit card mailed directly to their house might be the best decision. This way, you can add funds when they need them for a fee of , and your relative can then use the card at either retailers or Atms. This recipe is known for being inexpensive, convenient, and fast.

No matter what you choose, make sure both you and your relative are happy with it. This is especially true if you will need to send money to Armenia often, as paying fees as high as per change is not unheard of when you use banks, and it can clearly exhaust your wallet. Putting some time and endeavor into explore before you choose how to send money to Armenia should follow in a obvious outcome for you and your relative

reconsider Your Options and the Statistics Before You Send Money to Armenia

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 14, 2011

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

A Series Overview

"Teaching English in Colombia" will be a series of about 20 to 25 articles. The focus will be on providing prospective Tefl English teachers with a flavor for each of the major city areas, along with sufficient beginning information to at least give them some idea about what each of the locations has to offer. Since many may be foreign nationals, it is assumed that information like local specialty foods, drinks and living conditions will be of some value, although I'm taking care not to contribute too much information that might "date" the material, as this would render the work nearly useless in a relatively short time.

News From Armenia

Not intended to be an all-inclusive work either, we will naturally gift the basics for each city area with sufficient to go on to make caress and/or an investigative visit of even added value. Where to go, how to get there and major Efl schools / institutes that could be contacted in advance to ascertain interest are provided for each city / area. For hotels, restaurants and other tour - tourism specifics, candidates should consult the most up-to-date Colombia tour guide book they can get in English or Spanish.

Important Features

A few important features contained in this series include:

o 3 to 5 area-related photos: Historic / traveler sites, schools, interviewees, parks

o An occasion scene which is designed to highlight some facet of local daily life

o City / area features: population, location, requisite industry / products

o Commentary on local special events, holidays, celebrations, festivals

o Historical data/ cultural aspects that may be of some relevance in day-to-day living

o Food & drink specialties of each region

o A one-page List of Schools and Institutions with Tefl teachers on staff

Note: The online article-marketing published page differs from the market E-book or description in that the article-marketing piece will Not have photos, graphics, illustrations, be more than two pages long or have more than one page of school / design listings with descriptions and / or reviews.

Each description or E-book chapter will information one city area only. When a location warrants keep for added listings and other criteria, a Part 2, Part 3, etc. Will be added as subsequent chapters. The cities planned to be elaborated on in this description series are:

City Area Articles / Chapters

1. Cali - Capitol of Salsa Music

2. Bogota - A Capitol City in the Clouds

3. Medellín - City of Eternal Spring

4. Pasto - In the Shadow of Galeras Volcano

5. Pereira - The Growing Heart of the Coffee Region

6. Armenia - The Coffee Region's enterprise Central

7. Manizales - Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold

8. Popayán - The White City

9. Buenaventura - Colombia's Pacific Coast Pearl

10. Cucuta - A Sun-drenched Frontier Town

11. Bucaramanga - The City of Parks

12. Ibagué - If You Want to Meet Juan Valdez ...

13. Neiva - Pride of the Opitas

14. Cartagena - Caribbean Jewel of Colombia

15. Barranquilla - all the time a Carnival

16. Quibdo - In the Steamy Heart of the Choco

17. Monteria - town of Colombia's Nickel-Mining Empire

18. Villavicencio

19. Florencia - Orchid City of the Amazon

20. Colombia: An Overview

Summary / Conclusion

The overview will offer a brief round-up of features, benefits and "caveats" presented for the city / area, allowing the prospective Tefl professional to have a balanced view of each of the locations. Alas, we do not live in a excellent world. Each location will have its own items on the minus side of the ledger. While I have made every exertion to be as object as possible, I am human. As such, there are areas I like more than others. There are schools I like more than others too, although I will exertion to keep my personal prejudices out of the way as much as almost possible. This should aid you in development up your own mind. In fact, you should check all information for yourself as much of it is field to turn straight through the fault of nobody in particular.

Prof. Larry M. Lynch has taught English as a Foreign Language in Colombia since 1995 and is the author of "Living in Colombia: A Practical Guide", "Teaching English in Colombia: A Guide for Tefl Professionals" and "Insights on English Language Teaching: What Tefl Teachers Need to Know". E-mail him at: for more information.

Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summary

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