A Series Overview
"Teaching English in Colombia" will be a series of about 20 to 25 articles. The focus will be on providing prospective Tefl English teachers with a flavor for each of the major city areas, along with adequate starting data to at least give them some idea about what each of the locations has to offer. Since many may be foreign nationals, it is assumed that data like local specialty foods, drinks and living conditions will be of some value, although I'm taking care not to furnish too much data that might "date" the material, as this would render the work nearly useless in a relatively short time.
News From Armenia
Not intended to be an all-inclusive work either, we will naturally present the basics for each city area with adequate to go on to make perceive and/or an investigative visit of even additional value. Where to go, how to get there and major Efl schools / institutes that could be contacted in progress to ascertain interest are in case,granted for each city / area. For hotels, restaurants and other travel - tourism specifics, candidates should consult the most up-to-date Colombia travel guide book they can get in English or Spanish.
Important Features
A few foremost features contained in this series include:
o 3 to 5 area-related photos: Historic / traveler sites, schools, interviewees, parks
o An opening scene which is designed to feature some facet of local everyday life
o City / area features: population, location, critical manufactures / products
o Commentary on local extra events, holidays, celebrations, festivals
o Historical data/ cultural aspects that may be of some relevance in day-to-day living
o Food & drink specialties of each region
o A one-page List of Schools and Institutions with Tefl teachers on staff
Note: The online article-marketing published page differs from the market E-book or narrative in that the article-marketing piece will Not have photos, graphics, illustrations, be more than two pages long or have more than one page of school / create listings with descriptions and / or reviews.
Each narrative or E-book chapter will information one city area only. When a location warrants hold for additional listings and other criteria, a Part 2, Part 3, etc. Will be added as subsequent chapters. The cities planned to be elaborated on in this narrative series are:
City Area Articles / Chapters
1. Cali - Capitol of Salsa Music
2. Bogota - A Capitol City in the Clouds
3. Medellín - City of Eternal Spring
4. Pasto - In the Shadow of Galeras Volcano
5. Pereira - The Growing Heart of the Coffee Region
6. Armenia - The Coffee Region's enterprise Central
7. Manizales - Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold
8. Popayán - The White City
9. Buenaventura - Colombia's Pacific Coast Pearl
10. Cucuta - A Sun-drenched Frontier Town
11. Bucaramanga - The City of Parks
12. Ibagué - If You Want to Meet Juan Valdez ...
13. Neiva - Pride of the Opitas
14. Cartagena - Caribbean Jewel of Colombia
15. Barranquilla - always a Carnival
16. Quibdo - In the Steamy Heart of the Choco
17. Monteria - town of Colombia's Nickel-Mining Empire
18. Villavicencio
19. Florencia - Orchid City of the Amazon
20. Colombia: An Overview
Summary / Conclusion
The summary will offer a concise round-up of features, benefits and "caveats" presented for the city / area, allowing the prospective Tefl expert to have a balanced view of each of the locations. Alas, we do not live in a exquisite world. Each location will have its own items on the minus side of the ledger. While I have made every endeavor to be as object as possible, I am human. As such, there are areas I like more than others. There are schools I like more than others too, although I will endeavor to keep my personal prejudices out of the way as much as practically possible. This should aid you in making up your own mind. In fact, you should check all data for yourself as much of it is branch to convert straight through the fault of nobody in particular.
Prof. Larry M. Lynch has taught English as a Foreign Language in Colombia since 1995 and is the author of "Living in Colombia: A Practical Guide", "Teaching English in Colombia: A Guide for Tefl Professionals" and "Insights on English Language Teaching: What Tefl Teachers Need to Know". E-mail him at: lynchlarrym@gmail.com for more information.
Teaching English in Colombia: A Series summaryVisit : todays world news headlines
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