Agnes Gondzha Boyadjiev, the future mum Teresa was born August 27, 1910 in Skopje, the former Ottoman Empire, and modern Macedonia. She was the youngest of three children of Nicola Boyadjiev, a wealthy merchant. Her mother, nee Dranafile Bernay, has all the time been a true Catholic. Remembering his childhood, mum Teresa told "When I was five years old, my mum and I were walking through the fields to the village, which was placed quite far from our village; I was holding my mother's hand and was happy. At some point, my mum stopped and said: "You took my hand and feel safe, because I know the road. That's how you should keep the arm and the mum of God, and it throughout your life will lead you on the right path. Never let go of her hand! ". These words sank deep into my heart and memory: all my life I was holding her by the arm. And today did not regret it! ". Puny Agnes was so cute that relatives and neighbors called her an angel. all the time obedient and cheerful, happy Puny girl grew up in my own Puny world: going to school, sang in the church choir, wrote a note in the local newspaper, dreaming about the future. In the choice of profession was influenced by contacts with the Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary - an organization that helps the poor in different countries. Once he heard the minister of the parish read a letter from missionaries from India, Agnes became concerned in the activities of Bengal mission. Subsequently, the life of mum Teresa loved to be in tableaux viands nun to her order. The scene where seventeen Agnes asks the blessing of the mum to come to be a nun and go to Calcutta, they succeeded best. My mum survived the shock. Agnes so quiet, so reasonable, so home, good-natured! Where does this stink? Oh, and where that of Calcutta, on what side of the world? Giving his daughter to God, and even more so in Calcutta, meant especially for those times, disjunction forever. Her brother, Lazarus, who had studied while in the soldiery Academy, felt the decision of her younger sister's girlish whim, as she wrote in the letter. An Agnes endlessly quoted her numerous biographers: "Do you reconsider yourself important, because you'll come to be an officer and serve the King with two millions of subjects?" I will serve the king of the world. "
September 26, 1928 Agnes entered the train from Skopje to Zagreb. Mom Drann was right: the more she your popular Agnes never saw. It takes many years and already world famous, mum Teresa, founder of the Order of Mercy, with tears implored the Albanian Embassy for permission to enter the country and say goodbye to his dying mother. Officials took pity and gave permission to enter. And forget about the departure. mum Teresa understood that the iron curtain that separates Albania from the rest of the world, immediately lowered, and it will remain trapped. It will be years before mum Teresa will visit the grave of his mother.
News From Armenia
And yet there was a way Skopje - Zagreb and added over Europe in Dublin, in the nuns of the Order of Loreto, where for two months she had to learn English. Then she goes on to the dream of childhood, on a steamer through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean. She swam towards his destiny, swam longer cute Puny angel - Agnes and Sister Teresa of the Order of Loreto and correspondent Zagreb newspaper "Catholic mission." Sixteen years Sister Teresa taught to girls in schools of the Order of Loreto history and natural science, enjoyed the love of teachers and students. In 1946, his sister Theresa started tuberculoses process, and raw Calcutta, she went to a mountain Darjeeling. The train gently trudged over India, stopping at each station. In the wagon train came and visited people: mothers with children, the elderly, crippled, tired, sunburns man. Citizen were exhausted and depressed, the mum tried to comfort hungry children, in the faces of many bore the stamp of disease, suffering and despair. In this train, there was a revolution in the soul humble nun. "I rode the train from Calcutta to Darjeeling... - writes mum Teresa September 10, 1946 - and quietly prayed, when suddenly, clearly felt a different calling inside of which I followed. This news was for real unambiguous. I had to leave the monastery and devote him fully to help the poor and lives among them. It was a commandment. It was clear and exact instructions: I was supposed to leave the walls of the convent to live among the poor. He told me cares about most needy in Calcutta - those who did not have whatever or anything, those who can not even go begging because they are naked, they do not even rags to cover the body. Those who fall in exhaustion on the streets, knowing that they die. Those who did not cry, because they have no more tears.... ". For two years she corresponded with Rome to get permission to come to be a nun freestyle. In August 1948, mum Teresa, thirty-eight years old, dressed in the store bought a cheap sari, left the nursing convent, where she was well, which was her second home, where she was loved and appreciated. In my pocket it was five rupees and the intention to serve the poor and the sick. "Mr. Gomez! I have nothing to eat. Please give me something to eat. «Such notes so far kept by Alfred Gomez, who on the suggestion of the local minister sheltered nun Teresa. Staying with Mr. Gomez, mum Teresa did not know what she should do next, how to serve the poorest of the poor. No added instructions "from above" has been received. Two years my sister Teresa was starving, sleeping just anywhere, asked for alms. But every Puny she had tried to fulfill its duty of charity: encouraged prayer of the dying, washed the wounds of lepers, shared the last piece to hungry children. "In the most wretched Citizen of Calcutta, I loved Jesus, but when you love, you feel no pain or difficulty. Moreover, from the very beginning I did not have time to be bored. "
For days she wandered about the streets, time, time made attempts to beg. Organized the "school" among the garbage heaps. She taught unwanted children wash their hands and write on the asphalt. She then did not know that his work marked the beginning of a ideas of orphanages in the Order of Mercy for the unwanted and unnecessary children - babies from garbage cans, small disabled, and orphans. She was pulling under any roof dying homeless and tried to ease their suffering. She did not know that it will take time, and the rumor of the blessed nun comes to the city authorities, who could not deny the millions of homeless Citizen die on the street, and they were criticized by the newspaper. It will local officials and offered to demolish the dying in a huge semi-dark room, adjacent to the temple of the goddess Kali, which once contained the sacrificial animals. Thus was "Home for the dying" in Calcutta. By that time, is an animated diary entry of mum Teresa: "God! What kind of flour alone today "- in this case did not count on miracles. A miracle happened; she began to help Subhasisni Dash, Bengal, and pupil of mum Teresa. future Sister Agnes, the first novice, the first sister. It was followed by the same in 1949 to mum Teresa were joined by 11 followers, mostly of its former pupils. You would not believe, but there have been, as it should for good beginnings, 12. The following year, 1950, the Order of Mercy was recognized by Rome.
Sisters of Mercy, who in addition to the primary monastic vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, a vow to give more aid to the poorest of the poor live in the same way as their clients: they have whether refrigerators or washing machines; they are more than unpretentious in food, wash straightforward soap and water, tour only on communal transport. Their property: a sari, sandals, umbrella in case of rain, a thin mattress. They are fine from the poorest of the poor, not just a small crucifix in his left shoulder. The life of these volunteers is difficult and monotonous. This endless love training with breaks for work. Work - means for them to clean, wash, washing, bandaging, exercise miracles of patience, durableness and lack of squeamishness, loathsome wounds of lepers Sisters of concern without gloves. Sometimes it must be under fire, as in Belfast or in Ethiopia. All this, of course, you can make, not yet a committed, the quiz, is how to get yourself in this and other fee change joyful cheerfulness and love to man? Here it was leading to be ready to work. This willingness to mum Teresa are unmistakable - the smile of quiet joy, reflecting the reasoning composure and tranquility. Uncollected, restless and nervous you can not go to work. They were invited to pray for as long as the epiphany did not occur until he could see the wounds of the suffering Christ in all manifestations of human frailness and ugliness. "We are not communal workers, we are not ambulance, and we are of the order of Christ's love." Training of love began at four in the morning with a prayer to St. Francis of Assisi.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon:
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
This prayer begins a day, consisting again of many prayers. mum Teresa knew only one sufficient remedy against adversity, doubt, disease - an motion to God. She prescribed prayer times and from all diseases. Hand in hand with her sister's mum worked in the mud and misery, 16 hours a day. One journalist, observing the work of mum Teresa, said:
- How are you doing? I would for a million do not agree.
- And I would not have agreed. I do this not for money but for the sake of love.
The news of mum Teresa has spread throughout India, and then throughout the world. In 1965, the mission of the Order of Mercy was opened in Venezuela, then in Ceylon. More and more nurses wear white sari with blue border and went to the slums. Strengths of this world began to seek the enterprise of mum Teresa. When she found the time, received visitors in his tiny room, where there was a straightforward wooden bench. On one side sat visitor - Yasser Arafat, George Bush, Fidel Castro, Princess Diana, Ronald Reagan - Ronald and Nancy, Deng Xiaoping, King of Norway Harold V, Prince Charles, Pope Pius Xii, John Xxiii, Paul Vi, John Paul Ii... - but on the other - mum Teresa. The words that she uttered a deep sank into the souls of people
"Do not be afraid to love. Open heart and try to awaken in him a love. "
"This is the secret of goodness: first, it is weak, but omnipotent in the end. Evil, by contrast, is omnipotent at first, but diminishes with time.
"Love must lead to action. Corollary in the ministry."
"As we express our love for God is the action?
Be loyal to your family, right, to do what God has entrusted to us. whatever we were not - healthy or disabled, rich or poor, it is leading not how much we have done, but how much love put into their business. We are doomed for life, sharing love with others. "
In Calcutta, millions of Citizen are born, live and die on heaps of debris. And leave the life is for real under the feet of passers-by. Sisters of Charity, which mum Teresa founded, was taken to the living remains of a "Home for the dying", washed, fed, treated. And they once again before her death felt like human beings! In the house took all, even the most hopeless, from which the hospital refused. And then they kissed on the forehead mum Teresa. Contrary to all notions of general human disgust. This woman radiates light. To it from all sides stretched hands. Everybody wanted to touch her. She radiated love, great love, and love to everyone.
"I see Christ in every person. And because Christ is all the time one, for me at this single moment is the one who stands in front of me". So she said. And only the strong, happy, calm, they were ready for the daily battles for love. The enemy is putting on different masks. In India it was called "leprosy". In U.S. It was called "Aids". In South Africa - "apartheid". But for mum Teresa it was a lack of love, lack of charity, unwillingness to work sincerely, selfishness, stupidity - the eternal human wickedness, which sent Jesus to Golgotha.
In India, it has proven that leprosy - this is not the curse of the Lord, but plainly a disease and it can be cured if a timely tackles. She was persistently and consistently throws stones Citizen and relatives, delete patients from memory. Instead leprosarium was built village, where the lepers lived families to perfect rescue or death, and even allowed themselves to give birth to healthy children.
Its potential to furnish a sensation would be the envy image makers politicians and movie stars. She arrived in New York in the 1985th, in the midst of hysteria in relation to the Aids epidemic.
Visited the prison, where three died of infected offenders. She went to the reception to the mayor of New York. And the mayor, after a meeting with her, in twenty-four hours freed the dying. Christmas in the U.S. Opened the first shelter for Aids patients. She loved to gift Christ to the birthday, high-priced gifts. And while the townsfolk shaking with fear, and the priests were puzzled, what have the Christian charity towards those who committed the sin of Sodom! For that, and penalty!, «Gift of Love» - the so-called shelter for Aids patients in New York received its first patients. And mum Teresa told the Citizen on Tv that Aids - a warning of the Lord, this is a sign. About what? On the upcoming end of the world? No, of course. It is a sign that we should, in the end, we open the heart and to love each other. And «Gift of Love», mum Teresa, quietly turned into a gift from the townspeople their unfortunate brethren.
In 1979 mum Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for what she "claims the world in the most leading area, protecting the inviolability of human dignity". Norwegian King begged his mum to buy socks for the occasion, as the atmosphere Scandinavia does not have to wear shoes on their feet. In a white sari, the legends in the same, in which she left the convent, mum Teresa was the honorable podium in the world and says that love and respect for every human life is a condition of universal peace. From the celebratory banquet mum Teresa refused and thus saved $ 6000. The money she invested in the implementation of its mission.
Her detractors, of which the mum Teresa was a lot, did not understand what she was given the prestigious award. "What has this exalted old for such a great cause of peace throughout the world? - Written in many newspapers. - It is plainly a self-promoter and religious business. mum Teresa replied to the charges, a small miracle: she managed to stop at the time of hostilities in Beirut and withdraw from the bombardment of 37 orphans, of which there was none, greater care.
She could have: to cook dinner for 7,000 people; not sleep many nights in a row, all the time smiling, go to the Iranian embassy and leave a note there Ayatollah to urgently call her to discuss the issue of hostages; forget medal winner of the Nobel Peace Prize somewhere wardrobe of the Royal Palace.
She claimed that nothing strengthens the spirit and opens the soul of refugees, as polished cesspool, of course, she was cleaning her repeatedly.
She talked with kings and paupers. And do not write speeches. She had to just pray, to know what to say.
She graced her life model of the Virgin Mary and postcards with a bleeding heart of Christ, being treated for exhaustion and illnesses through prayer and fasting, she could call at night - every hour - and worthy of conversation, at Christmas, she sang the Christ "Happy birthday to you".
Manifest Goodness of mum Teresa
"By blood I am Albanian, by citizenship - an Indian, by religion - Catholic. But my occupation belongs to the whole world, but my heart belongs entirely to Christ". By being an marvelous tolerance and charity, mum Teresa was trying to get where most needed her help. In the late 80's she arrived in the earthquake devastated Armenia in the late 90's - at war in Bosnia. His work she called "a drop in the sea", but never detracts from the value of the good grain goodness. "We can not do great things, only "little" is done with great love. I believe in "little" business, it is in them our strength. "
The heart is not kept pace with his mistress: his mum suffered any heart attacks, but before the end of life every day got up at half past three and worked on a par with his sisters. The story of a touching miracle: the window cell, where they die Teresa, was a small dried tree. And after her death, the whole tree was covered with white as snow, and flowers. Funeral, mum Teresa, showed all the major Tv channels. The Government of India has it the same honors as his time to his father of the nation Gandhi. Millions of Citizen around the world mourned the departure from the life of this holy woman. But mum Teresa was not afraid of death; she hoped that the work of the Order will continue after her departure. And despite forecasts of skeptics and detractors, her hopes were justified. At present, the Order of mum Teresa's missionary is 600 points in 127 countries worldwide. They hire more than three hundred thousand followers, and the nuns of the Order, and every year it comes more and more novice.
Commandments of mum Teresa.
1. Citizen are unreasonable, illogical and selfish - still forgive them.
2. If you have shown kindness, and Citizen accuse you of secret personal motive - will still be kindness.
3. If you've had great success, then you may see a lot of false friend's Real enemy - still succeed.
4. If you are honest and frank, Citizen will deceive you - still be honest and frank.
5. The fact that you have built over the years, can be destroyed overnight - still continue to build.
6. If you have found the serene happiness, then you will be jealous - Be happy anyway.
7. Now you've done good work, Citizen will have forgotten tomorrow - do well anyway.
8. Share with Citizen the best of what you have, and they will never be sufficient - they continue to share with them the best. In the end you will see that it was all between God and you, and it never was between you and them.
9. It does not matter who said what about you - take it all with a smile and continue to do their job.
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