Mexican drug cartels are now advertising for young men to step up and to come and join their ranks to fight the Mexican army. The ads and banners factory those who join will make good money have food and a place to stay even while in training. The Journal has learned that this same type of advertising is planned for Juarez, Tj and other Mexican border cities.
Mexican drug cartels according to up-to-date press reports have forces style training camps on and near the border with the United States. These Training camps are for military-style killers. Federal authorities say these camps have Afghanistan and other middle eastern instructors who teach the newest forces fighting tactics that are utilized in Iraq and Afghanistan by the Islamic radicals that are fighting and killing American and allied forces in those countries. Mexican officials admit they know of special training camps in the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Michoacan, where newly recruited Zetas take intensive six-week training courses in weapons, tactics and brain gathering.
News From Armenia
Iran is believed providing at least some of the money for this recruiting and training program. The training camps are teaching hit and run gorilla technique's. Cells of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (Ftos) have sent their seasoned veterans to oversee the training of the new forces and to direct the war against the Mexican government on profit of the Mexican Cartels. Trained fighters from al-Qaida, Hizballah (Party of God) Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) and Revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia (Farc) have been seen in Mexico and the branch of Homeland security (Dhs) has reported cells from these terrorist organizations are believed here in the U.S. As well. according to a well placed Cia operative.
The El Paso Journal has been told by an anonymous caller who claims to be an Lt. Of a Mexican cartel said in advance, "that the Mexican drug cartels would be advertising for recruits to train as cartel soldiers to fight the Mexican army which has been sent to the border with the U.S. To extinguish the Mexican drug cartels". Just today a week or so since he made the predictions banners where string over a main artery in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico advertising for recruits. He also said they would be advertising on the internet which has also happened. His predictions have been accurate so far. He told of the Mexican army coming to each border town before they did. The Journal has not reported any of his predictions to date without confirmation from other independent unrelated and dependable sources.
The Mexican government first realized that Islamic radical militants were already starting to infiltrate the country in statements by high-ranking Mexican officials prior to and following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks indicated "that Islamic extremist organizations has sought to fabricate a nearnessy in Mexico".
Former Mexican national security adviser and ambassador to the United Nations, Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, stated, that "Spanish and Islamic terrorist groups are using Mexico as a refuge... In light of this situation, there are continuing investigations aimed at dismantling these groups so that they may not cause problems". He also mentioned that the terrorist groups in inquire are placed in the northern part of the country. "Islamic people" in Mexico sparked venture among observers that the Lebanese Shi'ite terrorist organization Hizbollah have established cells in Mexico.
Remarks made by Mexican public officials indicate the real possibility that al Qaeda cells are present in Mexico and could potentially exertion to cross the U.S. Southwest border to escort added attacks.
The former director of Mexico's town for brain and National security (Centro de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional-Cisen), Eduardo Medina Mora, espy that the possibility of an al Qaeda assault against the United States launched from Mexico "could not be ruled out."
National Migration fabricate (Instituto Nacional de Migracion-Inm) valid Felipe Urbiola Ledezma made more alarming statements during remarks to the press, Urbiola said, "We have in Mexico citizen related to terrorism and we are constantly observing unusual immigration flows...[people related to] Eta, Hizbollah and even some with links to Usama Bin Laden."
Other terrorist and criminal groups are in Mexico along with the Russian mafia groups such as the Poldolskaya, Mazukinskaya, Tambovskaya, and Izamailovskaya have been detected in Mexico. The Moscow-based Solntsevskaya gang is also reported to be present in the country, as are other mafia gangs from Chechnya, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Poland Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Albania, and Rumania. Their major activities consist of drug and arms trafficking, money laundering, prostitution, trafficking in women from Eastern and Central Europe and Russia, alien smuggling, kidnapping, and prestige card fraud.
Reforma a leading Mexican newspaper reported that U.S. brain agencies had detected a partnership between the Tijuana-based Arellano-Felix organization (Afo) and Russian mafia groups based in southern California. In a detach story, Reforma reported that members of the former Kgb-affiliated Kurganskaya group in San Diego had met with Afo operative Humberto Rodríguez Banuelos.
Reforma reported that for at least the last ten years the Russian mafia was supplying Mexican drug traffickers with radars, self-operating weapons, grenade launchers, and small submersibles in exchange for cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. It cited a 1996 sting operation in which undercover Dea agents posing as Russian mafia members sold Carillo Fuentes operatives 300 Ak-47s and ammunition in Costa Rica.
Even ten years ago, ten Russians, along with four known members of the Russian mafia, were arrested at Mexico City's international airport when they arrived on a Klm flight from Amsterdam. The mafia members included Aleksandr Zakharov, one of the leaders of the Moscow mafia and founder of the Uralinvest, known to have a considerable role in organized crime in Russia. an additional one detainee was Nicolay Novikov, a Uralinvest director who had been imprisoned on three former occasions for arms trafficking. A third was Yevgeniy Sazhayev, who had been arrested on two former occasions for drug trafficking. The fourth was Vladimir Titov, wanted for discrete assassinations and who had escaped from some Russian prisons with the help of the mafia. The four men, who were traveling with six women, were apparently en route to Acapulco and Cancún. The group was reportedly deported. The Interpol head in Mexico, Juan Manuel Ponce, corroborated accounts that the group had been carrying arms and a enormous estimate of cash.
According to Mexican investigator Jorge Fernández Méndez, the Russian mafia bosses had come to Mexico in order to mediate in the gang war being fought between the Cfo and discrete other groups for control of drug trafficking routes straight through Mexico in the wake of the death of Alejandro Paez.
It is well known that the Russian mafia is deeply entrenched in the criminal fabric of the Mexican drug cartels and still today plays an leading roll in providing guns and other weapons to the cartels and are purveyors of, drug smuggling, money laundering, prostitution, trafficking in women from Eastern and Central Europe and Russia, alien and terrorist smuggling, kidnappings for ransom.
The self proclaimed Mexican drug cartel Lt. Says," that we will be offering Mexican soldiers very spirited pay packages and other benefits to cross over and go to work for us". He told the journal we can look for that new amelioration to be happening soon. He also predicts that "active current duty Mexican soldiers and Mexican Federal Police officers will be killed by well armed and trained cartel soldiers".
Google these Sources:
Hundreds being rounded- up and many Arrested in Juarez Mexico
The U.S. placed Mexico under a trip alert As Thousands of Armed Mexican forces Patrol the Streets of Juarez
Linking of drug cartels on the Texas border with Middle East terrorist
President Bush's top brain aide has confirmed that Iraqi terrorists have been captured coming into the United States from Mexico
Americans Being Kidnapped, Held and killed in Mexico
They're known as "Los Zetas"
Reforma Reforma Mexico City Newspaper.
Library of Congress Federal investigate Division: Terrorism and Crime...
Mexican Drug Cartels And Terrorist Are Recruiting For More Fighters To Train As SoldiersTags : todays world news headlines
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